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Old 04-09-2006, 10:03 PM   #2
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10. Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater Playstation 2 - Probably the best entry in the MGS saga, it had an amazing cinematic quality, some of the most exciting and vigorous action sequences, and one of the most touching endings and well developed characters ever.

9. Tetris Any System Conceivable - Just because it's so damn fun.

8. Ultima: The Black Gate PC and SNES - If you were looking for a freeform RPG with an unequaled amount of available interactions in the world, screw Daggerfall, The Black Gate was your best choice. An excellent storyline just made it so much better, and the detail placed into the world was unsurpassed.

7. Half-Life PC and Playstation 2 - Not only did it change the way FPS games are played today with its amazing cinematic presentation, and incredible immersion, but it also brought the mod community that Doom birthed to its full potential, never before had there been so many mods and third party additions released for a game as there was for Half-Life.

6. Sanitarium PC - Probably one of the best adventure games ever made, Sanitarium's storyline was the best to be found in ANY videogame, with no visible plotholes, unbelievable situations, or lingering doubts of any kind. Along with a touching and deep underlying theme, Sanitarium just blew me away with its A list movie writing.

5. Starcraft PC and N64 - This was the game that revitilized the strategy genre, while most games being pumped out were either Warcraft II clones, or C&C clones, Starcraft finally changed the formulas that so many games had been using before, and set up its own, that while it was copied just as much as Warcraft II left a lasting impression on many gamers.

4. Wasteland C64 and PC - Considered to have been the inspiration for its spiritual successor Fallout, Wasteland had done what many industry types were predicting to be possible only in the late future. By combining an incredibly involving world, some fascinating quests and locales, and some of the most eerily creepy plotlines ever conceived, Wasteland was finally released as the RPG that many people had been searching for for years.

3. Silent Hill 2 Playstation 2 - While its gameplay was considered only "good" by most, this game left such a lasting impression on most gamers, that it's now considered one of the most unforgettable and memorable gaming experiences ever. While its story played upon the themes of marital woes, it delivered a shocking look into the life of a man who was far more troubled than initial impressions could ever have perceived.

2. Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver Playstation - Considered to be Sony's answer to Zelda, the Legacy of Kain series had an excellent run on the original Playstation, before its decent into basic action game mediocrity on the current gen consoles. Soul Reaver, provided an intense and graphicly beautiful world that was so eerily empty and epic, that it dwarfed games developed on much more powerful hardware. With an compelling story (exception towards the lackluster ending) and a fantastic combat system. Soul Reaver was the best the original Playstation had to offer.

1. Super Mario Bros. NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color - It had no real storyline, it was the most repetitive thing ever, it had the dumbest gaming concept of just jumping around and running, and it had a main character with the personality of a blank sheet of paper. Yet it was the most insidously addictive and expansive game ever to be released in the NES era, or any era for that matter. Even seven years after its released, gamers were still finding undiscovered secrets in the depth of this classic, and although it's grown stale and old by the standards of most games today, it still has that little bit of personality that turned it into the greatest platformer ever to be released.
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