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Old 21-06-2006, 09:10 PM   #1

Join Date: Jan 2006
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Way to make a first post. So, uh. Hi, I guess.

A classic orc, or hogman as I like to call it, yet futuristic in clothing. I drew this when I was bored, but it turned out to be pretty nice. I guess I just have to wait for inspiration to strike me (or utter boredom, who knows) to draw something nice.
Big picture.

It's a pikeman. A man with a pike. One of the few pieces I CGed (colored on the computer if the term is alien to you guys). For a game I never finished. never started it, really, but you know how it is. He's supposed to be a bit spaniard.

A water dragon/sea serpent/bigarse monster. Contrary to most, I decrease in drawing skill when time passes. I drew this a few years ago. I called him King of the Sea.
Huge picture.

A pixel piece I did for a contest on another forum, themed "pain". Naturally, I came fifth. People voted for me, though, so I guess my attempt wasn't in vain. The guy who won truly deserved it, though. He's like a pixel god and totally rad. Sadly, he left said forum recently because some people were utterly elitist and arseholes.

Something I drew for an event at the same board. Unfortunately, the event kind of faded out of existance. Partially my fault, sadly. He's a Dracoor, a sort of dragon that can change into a human or something in between. He prefers the in-between form.
Yet another big picture.

Three somewhat generic anthromorphic fantasy races. I WAS going to draw a somehwat generic anthromorphic fantasy herbivore, but I lost interest. Might start on this again when I come up with something similar one of these days.

It's a tree. He created a cure for cancer and saved the world once.
Slightly big picture.

Yet another themed picture. Officially, we were supposed to draw a flower, so naturally I tried to steer away from that as far as I possibly could. The fellow's certainly vegetative, though. And his saliva smells nice. He also evolved from bats. I rarely use colored pencils, I should do it more often.

That's it, I guess. I have more stuff, bit most of it is utter garbage. I like to pixel, so I'd show more of that, but I never finish anything. Plus, most of it is game-related stuff and spritesheet-ey. Most of this is slightly outdated, but these are the few drawings that I actually like a bit. With the holidays upon us I will probably update this topic with other stuff. (Don't expect it to be as mediocre as this. It'll probably be much worse!)

See you later.
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