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Old 09-05-2006, 09:00 AM   #14

Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 5

Bobbin wrote:

This is the reviewer's opinion. Not your own.
....and??? Thats what i said :blink: Its my opinion!!!!!
It happened just that! reading the review and feeling like
i played different game than the one that i reviewed! :crazy:
I "wanted" feedback if the game is great,scary or not
and that stuff!
and not about "its ur opinion" and "dont flame ppl"
I didnt flame any1!!!!
im "against" the review NOT the reviewer!
(sub topic closed for me)

The Fifth Horseman wrote:

Also, if the login in the game requires information supplied in the game manual -> IT IS A FORM OF COPY PROTECTION.
thanx it hadnt passed from my mind this!

The Fifth Horseman wrote:

The Thing That Should Not Be. Also happens exactly to be an appropriate description of your spelling and grammar, which can be considered a horror all by themselves.
no comment!Im not from England!but no ,im talking about Call of Cthulu 1of the best songs ever DEEP THRASH METAL MUSIC EXPLOSION!!!All hail to

i had a lot more to write but ILL BE BACK!!!!!!! k:
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