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Old 16-04-2006, 09:02 AM   #2310
NOD Commander
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Palermo, Argentina
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Anyway, aliens doesnt psi your weakest trooper if it is unsee. Its true that many times the corners got "holes" (mistakes of programmer?). And if u left the troops in the Skyranger and dont move or the aliens are taking the lossing hand and cant launch a psi attack, THE WEAKEST psi soldier becomes sppoted and controled(turn 13).

I told you many times about my diamond of 4 teams, or the line for jungles, or the pairs for base combat; so you can imagine that i only divide the equipment by teams and a sniper per team + a PSI team of 3-4 when avaible.
Japofran, its clever to make a PSI squad but i found that u need to make some PSI training to get the psi strengh of a trooper + the psi squad can be decimate as a rookies squad by a big ethereals crew + i found better to make an squad with the best troopers from the first year an train it to Cydonia in easy mission and better equipment.
U carry too many equipment for a normal squad + i found that u deploy too many or too few people to a combat situation or u keep (as me :angel: ) the special loaded soldiers as backup of normal teams.

Some other thing that i do different is that any soldier is a potential medic since they all carry the medikits.

For support, i usually send them ASAP to the roof of nearby buildings, especially handy at night with incenedary rounds, fire off a few auto shots into the distance and see the whole map get lit up
I love that move, i do it myself but i dont like to destroy too much.
BTW, i never managed the smoke well, only to cover the exit from the skyranger or to save a soldier without TU in the middle of a combat zone.


I don't know why they bothered. On a game that you can play 8 hours straight before you suddenly realize you've play all night long, that's the sun coming up, you're hungry, tired, you need to be to work in 4 hours, and what you though was your monitor going out was just because you've got to pee so bad you're seeing yellow.
This last is a masterpiece, clap clap clap LOL
2nd placed of 1st Ufo2000 Tournament!
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