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Old 22-03-2006, 09:41 PM   #15
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Location: Norwich, England
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Originally posted by Don Andy@Mar 22 2006, 08:15 PM
Well, this may sound crazy, but I think the games could be smaller, they just don't want them to.

Look at this game: kkrieger

Its size: 96 kb

And this just by optimizing code and procedual creating.

If commercial companies would use similar methods, games could be a lot smaller.
Afaik a lot of content in Spore is created procedual. The game shouldn't be that big.

But of course, if every cool game would be just a few KB or even a few 100 MB, who would buy all the expensive 250 GB harddrives? Right, no one.

You get my point?

Of course, this all may sound like just another conspiracy theory, but that's exactly what it is :bleh:
The reason kkreiger is so small is the lack of textures, all are generated on the fly from equations. This may save HD space, but you need a absolutely silly amount of RAM to run it at a decent speed.

As for the size of new games, they will certainly get larger, as technology marchs on and as gaming gets to be bigger and bigger business, leading to bigger and bigger teams working on games.

Of course, someday we will reach a limit to the amount of data we can store on a computer, but with ongoing research into nanotechnology and suchlike, I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
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