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stanleyopar2000 13-04-2006 02:57 PM

HELP! HELP!! HELLLLPPPPP!!! I'm a newbie and i saw the benefits of being a vip!
I have a crap load of games, but I don't know who to give them to so can only vips respond because they have experiences no members just vip replys.

da bomb

ALLCAPS, grammar, spelling and interpunction have been fixed by the_fifth_horseman.

Reup 13-04-2006 03:10 PM

With posts like these you'll surely earn your VIP pretty soon :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 13-04-2006 03:22 PM

First, please post a list of your games in the "Requests" subforum. We'll go through it and see what is valid for submission.

When that is done, please PM Kosta to authorize the upload and give you the login and password for our upload server.

Log in there using some FTP client (the one built into Total Commander works a treat, it's my personal favorite) and upload the files.

PM Kosta to inform him of completing the upload.

Then do a couple reviews, upload them with screenshots on the same FTP server and inform Kosta again.

If he considers your contribution significant enough, you will be nominated to VIP status.

stanleyopar2000 13-04-2006 04:14 PM

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

THANX ALOT FOR YOUR REPLYIES!!! BUT WHAT IS TAOTAL COMMANDER? AND WHERE IS THIS FTP SERVER TO (WHAT IS PM?) TO PM KOSTA! sorry for all the questions but this is my second time visiting abandonia (tring to help) HOWEVER I HAVE BEEN DOWNLOADING FROM THIS SITE SINCE 2 YEARS AGO!!! one more think to keep you abandonies updated..sorry for the bad news but A SITE DEDICATED TO DOS GAMES (AND WAS) HAS GONE BELLY-UP OR IS DOWN BUT ANOTHER ONE BIT THE DUST IT WAS CALLED "The Home Of The Underdogs" The Site is still there on some server address but the downloads are down WANT PROOF? THE SERVER ADDRESS IS (WAS) http:/ (snif) they could not afford to pay their domain name at SO THATS WHY IM HELPING ABANDONIA SO THEY WONT KICK OFF ON ME ()STAY ALIVE!!!)


guesst 13-04-2006 04:29 PM

Just stop. Just stop right now. Feel free to hang around, but don't lobby to be a VIP right now.

Try again when you've grown up a bit. If you haven't started growing facial hair, wait until you need to shave. If you have, well, try again after you've graduated highschool. If you have, take a bit of college. If you have, well, probably no VIP for you.

In other words, your posts so far demonstrate a severe need for you to mature a bit before you'll be taken seriously. Not only that you demonstrate a gap in your knowledge base about what this place is about. (And an abuse of CAPS doesn't help any.) Now, don't get go getting offended at this. It will only hurt your chances. The best thing is to back off, lay low, wait a few months, maybe a year, establish a positive reputation, and then become a legitamite mature contributer.

stanleyopar2000 13-04-2006 06:45 PM

I have been hurt... I'm only a person tring to HELP DOS games stay alive! but...if you wany me to back down* I will! If you don't want my help and I have a crap load of games) that's fine too


Maybe for good!

Eagle of Fire 13-04-2006 06:47 PM

Good ridance then I say, having a spammer in the VIP section doing posts like those you just did here is the last thing I want to happen. :yawn:

Reup 13-04-2006 07:04 PM

I'm going to miss the ALL-CAPS trash he wrote... :cry:

The Niles 13-04-2006 08:33 PM

My eyes! My poor eyes. What have they done to deserve this?


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