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Iron_Scarecrow 06-04-2006 09:12 AM

I don't know if anyone heard about this game when it came out but I wouldn't mind giving this game a go after reading this review.

Just for a laugh.

Danny252 06-04-2006 05:23 PM

*shuffles away from the incredible crappiness of this game...*

Blood-Pigggy 06-04-2006 05:33 PM

Me and my friend both heard how bad it was so we bought it from EB Games for fifty cents.

We spent a few hours of our afternoon just laughing at the crazy crap that was going on the screen, and then when it crashes the computer and repeatedly caused it to reboot we panicked and tried to uninstall it, then it caused a hard-drive error and it took an hour for our computer to clean it up.

Making fun of stuff can back-fire real easy.

Tulac 06-04-2006 05:50 PM

Actually I remember reading about this game, not when it was out, but when I searched for the worst rated game on gamespot :P

TheGiantMidgit 06-04-2006 08:08 PM


_r.u.s.s. 06-04-2006 08:29 PM

i hope you all have seen video review
one word-LOL
^ ehh this has to be l ol

Blood-Pigggy 07-04-2006 04:41 PM

That's actually three words.


I did a cool review for it, search for the one by "Eyenixon" you'll see a ten rating right next to it.
Also, I'd like to mail my copy of Big Rigs to someone. :D

Massacabre 10-04-2006 05:10 PM

Jeeze. That looks worse than Flatout.

troop18546 19-04-2006 05:15 PM


Originally posted by Massacabre@Apr 10 2006, 07:10 PM
Jeeze. That looks worse than Flatout.
Excuse moi, but FlatOut is a great game, right next to NFSPC2000. :whistle:

Lucullus 19-04-2006 11:00 PM

Looks like a take on Big Red ( think that's what it was called) Only that Big Red is much older and better LOL

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