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Iron_Scarecrow 22-03-2006 10:57 AM

This certain ad to promote tourism in Australia to the world seems to be causing some problems. The English banned it for the word "bloody". But it seems now that Canada is considering to ban the ad because in the ad there is a line "We bought you a beer", and apparently in Canada un-named alcoholic beverages aren't allowed to be mentioned on TV.

I can understand banning it for swearing but un-named alcoholic beverages is just ridiculous.

gregor 22-03-2006 11:02 AM

England didn't ban it but thought about banning it. It would only be banned on TV.

as for Canada... law is law. this one was probably made to reduce the popolarity of alcohol drinks in general.

Iron_Scarecrow 22-03-2006 11:05 AM

How would that work exactly?

gregor 22-03-2006 11:37 AM

it's complicated. I suggest you read some psychological book on either communication or advertising.

But advertising works by using certain paterns. and it it tries to somehow "install" them within the consumer. usually it is also very repetative to achieve some sort of state of awarness in consumers mind. the trick is the same time it is targeting specific consumer it also targets the society. and by doing that it might define or re-define the values of other people watching the advertisement.

For example if the basic value the TV is showing you in the adds or films is to drink some juice when you are thirsty. you and your friends will probably be more perceptive to order some juice with their meal. probably because it became "fashionable" to drink it. such advertising would be promoting some positive values (if we consider that alcohol is usually bad).

on the other hand if advertisements would keep repeating how cool it is to grab a beer after work and just before you decide to drive home. this might become fashionable and generally acceptable. needless to say it might as well cause an increase in car accidents.

one problem is availability to filter information (not evolved in smaller children or it is in its development stage with young adults).

another problem is defining what is "cool" what is acceptable. if you define beer as cool and acceptable and being drunk is very good then society has a problem showing to others and these people that in fact it is unhealthy to get drunk.

edit: and they hope that by this law they have they will solve or reduce these problems.

#BlakhOle# 22-03-2006 12:09 PM

Haha I never actually saw this ad on the TV until it came on the news, :P but as far as im concerned they can ban this for promoting paper hats, I honestly dont care. But if Canadas ad peoples or whatever want to ban it because someone said "beer", well they can go right ahead. It probably wont stop the flow of canadian tourists coming here, or from any other country for that matter. It means we get to keep Australia all to ourselves. :wub: :ok: Anyway whats wrong with un-named beer? They may as well re-shoot it saying "We bought you a Cotties(tm) cordial with water from the Yarra River full of potentially deadly bacteria copyright 2006. Come on, where the heck are you?" Or whatever she said. I honestly dont care. As far as im concerned, the only reason ads are there is to slow the flow of reality TV, which is ok, and good movies, which is eeevil. :ranting:

Iron_Scarecrow 22-03-2006 12:35 PM

I've never seen the ad myself either, it would be pointless to show it in Australia, we're already here.

And Gregor that all kind of went in one ear and out the other, but I'll just take your word for it.

omg 22-03-2006 04:08 PM

oh no they said bloody.... surly english society would come crashing to a halt if such an evil curse word were broadcast......

Eagle of Fire 22-03-2006 06:00 PM


I can understand banning it for swearing but un-named alcoholic beverages is just ridiculous.
It's to try to keep those "homemade" alcohol purchase to a minimum. Homemade alcohol is rarely supervised and controlled, so it's never actually safe to drink those. By promoting only the alcoholic beverages which are registered (and thus regulated), this help keep the average person safer from alcohol poisoning or any other stupid things related to alcohol.

So yes, banning the ad just for that reason may seem stupid... But law is law like it already been said here. Under each law, even the most stupid one, there is always actually a reason.

TheGiantMidgit 22-03-2006 08:16 PM

I find our law against unamed alcoholic beverages very funny. I mean, this is Canada for *meep*s sake. It's like, basically know for beer and hockey.

#BlakhOle# 23-03-2006 02:08 AM


Originally posted by Iron_Scarecrow@Mar 22 2006, 01:35 PM
I've never seen the ad myself either, it would be pointless to show it in Australia, we're already here.
Isnt it one of those Queensland ads, or something though? :blink: Im not sure, I cant remember. So even if you're in Australia, you dont have to be in Queensland to visit.

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