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The Niles 07-03-2006 11:34 AM

I just moved five topics out of Blah Blah Blah because they did not belong there. I would like to remind people that 3xBlah is not to used for discussions that can be held elsewhere on the site. We have sepperate sub-fora for discussing games both old and new, problems with games both old and new and general software (or hardware) problems.
I know 3xBlah is the most active part of this forum and that your topic gets most exposure when posted there. I still ask you to use this forum as it is meant to be used and post your topics where they belong. We try to be leanient with all of you but when things get out of hand we have ways of making our everyone comply. Please do not let it come that far.

The Fifth Horseman 07-03-2006 04:05 PM

...Just remember to pin this...

Danny252 07-03-2006 04:18 PM

And another moved.. -.-'

The Niles 07-03-2006 06:30 PM

This will not be pinned. These rules are so general and so obvious there should be no need for it. There is not a forum on the internet that allows people to post whatever they want where they want it.
I am thoroughly ashamed that I need to post something like this once every few months as it is.

Blood-Pigggy 07-03-2006 11:43 PM

I posted in both the Civ 4 and Spore threads that they should've probably been placed in another forum.
Tho' the people who made them usually put them in the correct forums, strangely.

Must have been a momentary spurt of insanity for them.

Icewolf 08-03-2006 07:56 AM

I was involved in a discussion that you closed as well.
The one who was complaining about the poster's grammar. Sorry.
Can't you just erase these posts or is it too hard to survey?
I mean if it's not there no one could complain.

The Fifth Horseman 08-03-2006 08:44 AM

Locking / deleting the threads is easier to do.

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