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dmacdonald95 06-11-2005 04:47 PM

Dismayed by the lack of new Life and Death/Virtual Surgeon style games, I want to make a game similar to Life and Death 2: The Brain. I can handle all the programming, but how many programmers do you know who are graphics artist? You know one? Well, he's not me. :bleh: So, anyway, if you're a graphics artist and want to help me make a game similar to L&D2, "apply" here. =)

chickenman 06-11-2005 08:14 PM

Before you get any help from me (I can program C\C++, ASM, Python and a little bit of Java and do some graphics) I want more details !

What language will it be programmed in ?
What graphics engine will you use ?
Will it be freeware ?
Will it be open-source ?
Are you a Doctor ? ( It would help :P )

dmacdonald95 06-11-2005 09:53 PM

What language will it be programmed in ?
- I was planning to program it in either Delphi/Pascal or *Cough*Game Maker*Cough*.

What graphics engine will you use ?
- It would be 2D (Using mostly bitmapped graphics) in my own pseudo-graphics engine.

Will it be freeware ?
- My intentions would be to release it freeware, unless people had a problem with that ;)

Will it be open-source ?
- It probably wouldn't be open source if I was to do it in Game Maker and it probably would be OS if I was to do it in Delphi/Pascal...and due to my [much more extensive] knowledge of GML/Game Maker I'm leaning towards using that :P
Are you a Doctor ?
- Not a doctor, but I have quite a bit of medical experience as well as (unconfirmed) access to a few physicians willing to help me with medical info regarding parts of the Sim. :D

chickenman 07-11-2005 04:21 PM

Noooo not Game Maker *jumps out window*, I don't know much Pascal or Delphi so I won't be able to help with programming (unless you use C or C++).

I can do a little graphics but not much (you should ask in the art forum for some help).

I would be happy to do some medical research for you as well.

Also one thing I would like to know is what part of the body your game will focus on, Life and death was about the abdomen, Life and death 2 was about The brain, and the last game made by the company was Virtual surgeon : open heart and as you may guess thats about the heart. :ok:

A. J. Raffles 07-11-2005 04:37 PM

Life And Death 4 - Ear Nose and Throat - sounds exciting, that one...:)

dmacdonald95 08-11-2005 04:40 PM

Haha, ENT. *claps* ;) Umm, yeah. Good question :P I'm not sure, I was thinking Neurology (lots of interactivity) but then it occured to me LND2 covered that one...Family Medicine is too lame (Sending people for referrals gets boring fast)..and Urology/Colorectal/Gynecology, etc. just isn't appropriate for this type of game...Psychiatry wouldn't have any surgeries to do, so..any ideas? We could try a lumping of Family Medicine and Neurology to give you a nice variety of patients as well as tasks to do?

Edit: Just occured to me my explanation of graphics sounds very stupid. It will be a 2D (As in non-3d) Point and click, in the same way the Life and Death series worked, as LND is going to be a major "look to" point for me...taking out the bad, adding in the good ;)

Edit again: Oi! What was I thinking? I don't even know why I posted this in the programming forum. Sorry, my brain's been off in Lala land...I'd better get an MRI, it could be an infarcation ((joke))

PrejudiceSucks 09-11-2005 03:02 PM

Life and Death 4 : Embarrasing Sports Injuries?

chickenman 10-11-2005 09:32 AM

Still you could do the heart as Virtual Surgeon : Open Heart is so full of bugs it's hard to play.

dmacdonald95 10-11-2005 08:00 PM

Well, I'm thinking, that since the L&D series as well as the Virtual Surgeon game that I'm not going to go for a specific area, that I'm just going to go for a Virtual Doctor type thing, not targeting any specific part of the body, but offering a full "Diagnosis option" and having several areas of the body that could have potential problems, allowing for a more "open" type of game then you got with the L&D series.

Agree? Disagree? Comments?

A. J. Raffles 10-11-2005 08:49 PM

Well, you could always have a sort of Virtual Emergency Room, I suppose: you get all sorts of different emergencies and have to deal with them as they come. The main problem about that would be the "medical school" bit, though, because you wouldn't know what sort of cases to expect and would consequently only learn about the right sorts of operations afterwards - a kind of trial and error method resulting in lots of dead patients.:D

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