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Tom Henrik 08-09-2004 09:18 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Durak 08-09-2004 09:23 PM

Oi! Hopefully this one doesn't have the annoying water in the middle like the other one. Now that this one's here I have to play it as if it's a challenge =).

aaberg 08-09-2004 10:33 PM

Ohh no, I hate Dizzy! :yawn:

Durak 08-09-2004 10:44 PM

Heh, why? Is it beacause it can be so frustrating?

Wilo 09-09-2004 12:37 AM

AUGH DIZZY!!!! UNHOLY SON OF A (insert whatever you want here - SATAN)!!!!!! God I hated these games. bloody peices of crap. Farthest i ever got was cut short since some jackass said he wanted goldcoins and then shoved me into the water killing me for my last life. stupid stupid stupid! unholy games i swaer to god the pure purpose is to eat up more time then EQ does and just drive you nuts!!! Heard things about one guy that actually drew a face onto an egg and called him Dizzy. then threw it onto his neighbors roof and went "Oh ****" and ran back inside when he realized what he done......stupid stupid stupid egg freak! worse then a round of survior:The game (the most craptastic game in existance mind you)

Kosta 09-09-2004 12:50 AM


Thanks for the detailed insight and that little anecdote! ;)

Durak 09-09-2004 01:34 AM

Well! Atleast I wasn't the only one frustrated by Dizzy in my youth. Atleast I beat a few of them. B)

Matt 26-11-2004 01:36 PM

Just a bit of info about the order the games were released.

Dizzy was originally an 8-bit game (for computers like the spectrum or commodore c64) and Magicland was fourth in the series of games, while Prince of the Yolkfolk was 6th.

I'm not sure about the order they were converted to the PC, but in terms of original releases, Prince of the Yolkfolk is actually a sequel to Magicland, not the other way around.

hanging 26-11-2004 06:53 PM


I think magic land was the first one converted.. Fantasy world was the first one converted to Atari and amiga.. but I dont think it got any further..

marko river 29-11-2004 12:20 PM

Dizzy - Magicland was second one converted to PC.

Matt is right, magicland is 4th in series. After first Dizzy, there was Treasure Island Dizzy, then Fantasy world Dizzy (first one I played and to me best one, since everything is cool with items, inventory and stuff) and Magicland.

Dizzy was originaly made for Spectrum and converted to C64 right away. Well, they are fun little logic-platforms. I see there are some really anoyed players. Well, I guess I'll be anoyed too, but on C64 you always could find cracked versions with unlimited lives, so you can focus on adventure part of game. I have Fantasy world and it's great, but you only have 3 lives. On C64 I played this one millions of times and I always lose like 10 to 15 lives. So, I guess PC gamers will never like Dizzy.

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