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Kosta 26-09-2005 05:35 PM

Hey everyone!

As you know, our current updater crew consists of Reup and Sebatianos, who have been carrying out this duty beautifly for last couple of months. However, sometimes things get pretty tight with the schedule, so we could use another hand there.

A typical set of tasks that an updater would need to carry out by himself with each update is:
- Collect relevant game info for the game (year, producers, publishers....)
- Move the game archive to an appropriate location using an online file manager
- Use the form in the administration panel to add the game to the site
- Post news on the front page
- Create appropriate topic in game discussion forum

This can usually be performed in under 30 minutes when you get in the loop. The updates are prepared by me, so you wouldn't have to worry about resizing and optimizing pictures, fixing the review, digging up the archive, and so on.

The most important thing is reliability. We need a person that has good organizational skills, so if you say that you can make an update on thursday, we can count on you.

Lastly, any of the following things will be considered a bonus:
- Your computer skills are good and you have past experience or learn quickly
- If you are a forum regular (we know you)
- You are old enough to be taken seriously ;)

Feel free to PM me if you're interested! I'll keep this topic pinned until someone suitable volounteers :)

Kenney 26-09-2005 06:09 PM

The only thing I don't meet with is that you should be known at the forums :(
I would love to be an updater! I use my computer everyday, anytime. So you can count on me. Too bad you have to be a known user around here :(

Tom Henrik 26-09-2005 06:13 PM

You don't have to be known, it's just a plus as we know your personality better. ;)

Romano 26-09-2005 06:20 PM

But you can always send PM to Kosta

Abi79 26-09-2005 06:27 PM

Let's see: I learn quickly :ok:
I'm a forum regular :ok:
Haven't got the smallest ideea what a online file manager is (but I can always find out very quickly) :not_ok:
I'm young (at the age limit) :not_ok:
I'm good at the computer :ok: (regedit :wub: )
I usually have good organizational skills (I can always work on the computer, do my homework and learn at the same time :D ) :huh:

Not qualified. I'll stick to the sending of mails to those who work with the company where my mom is. Oh, well :)

Kenney 26-09-2005 07:14 PM

Ah, I'll give it a try! Thanks! :D

Blood-Pigggy 26-09-2005 09:15 PM

I have no hopes whatsoever of achieving this position.
Hope it lands with someone reliable.

Oh, I'm still available if you do decide for some unknown reason to recruit me.
(If the position is still available)

@Shrek, Post below mine: I did you silly man.

Shrek 26-09-2005 09:37 PM

i' ve been thinking about applying for this position... little fish has been making my head for that, but i don' t know if i' m good enough for that.

it is a position that requires responsability and reliability (like Kosta said) - that i am supposed to have, but probably i don' t, at least sometimes.

can' t you guys just invite someone you trust? or are you expecting to see who applies and from these invite one?

as i' m still thinking about "pm or not to pm" - which i most probably wont - i guess you' ll find the right person :ok: and he or she will do a nice job :party:

@ blood-pigggy: you need to pm Kosta LOL

punch999 26-09-2005 10:31 PM

I would be willing to do so since I fit into everything except age. Which is just a bonus

TheChosen 27-09-2005 11:52 AM

I havent done anything big in Abandonia so far...

So id like to try and help you!

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