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Josh 07-08-2005 01:52 AM

I am a big RPG fan. I even had the RPG Maker for the PS1 al though admittedly I did not go too far with it namely because no one else would see it due to it being on a memory card. So when I saw this I was hoping to actually get into it. How ever the site it gave in the fact is not available.

RPG Maker 2000 Web Site

Does any one know of a FAQ for it or another forum that goes in depth for it. Quite frankly I do not even know if I have all the files because al though I have it on my comp I do not know how to actually start "playing" the game. I thought I had installed it since I went thru a process. How ever all I see are folders though, no exe file or what ever to start.

Can any one help?

h0ax_c0d3r 07-08-2005 04:04 AM

im sure this will help you out a bit, i was making a game in rpgmaker 2003 till i had to reformate my computer, the site is Gamingw and its a good site and offers links to other free gamemaking sites, tuts, and games

Guest 07-08-2005 03:05 PM

So there are newer versions of RPG Maker? Where would I find them at? In the link it self? Or do you have to pay for the newer versions?

Josh 08-08-2005 01:56 AM

By the way that guest was me.

h0ax_c0d3r 08-08-2005 03:56 AM

its hard to find the newer versions of rpg maker, just for the little fact it is illegal. However i did find rpg maker 2003 and rpgmaker xp but searching google.

So if you have time and are willing to use bittorrent to find it get rpgmaker 2003. I suggest that one because of the the sheer fact there is plenty of resources availible for it. so i hope this helps you.

Eagle of Fire 08-08-2005 08:15 PM

Don't talk about Warez or this thread will be locked.

By the meantime - moved to Favorite.

MrBackAlleySka 08-08-2005 08:29 PM

I suggest a lock, it's been stated that the 2000 is find'able, and the higher versions are to BUY only, further comments in this thread may further talks of warez.

Josh 12-08-2005 03:54 AM

So what versions are illegal? I had no idea it was illegal. I understand PS1 and PS2 both had RPG Makers and infact i had part one, but they were not called PC versions. And if indeed all versions are illegal why is it in this site then? And I do nto want to talk abotu warez or pirating games either, but I would like an answer on why there is a RPG Maker on the site if it is illegal.

blastradius14 12-08-2005 04:01 AM

Well, when the site that Abandonia links to is back up, then you may use that one. Do not press the questions, as it will kill this thread.

moogle 12-08-2005 04:29 AM

Wow, I didn't know it was ilegal either, just dled it off of here....ya just wait until its back up.Until then you can always make text adventures like Zork!!!

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