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Frodo 09-07-2005 07:31 PM

I know I'm just a newbie here, but I have a suggestion for the Mods & Admins.

There seems to have been some concern recently about the number of new members that don't post.

My suggestion is to look at members accounts, and if they haven't posted for a long time (for example 3 months), cancel their account so they are not a member any more.

What does anyone else think? Just tell me to shut-up if I am out of line.

(Admins - please move, delete, whatever this thread if you want).

Sebatianos 09-07-2005 08:12 PM

That's not out of the line... in fact we have talked about this many times before (I think the suggested period was 6 months), anyway...

You can read all about it HERE.

Sinse the other topic is closed anyway I guess it's a good thing you started a new one, so we can get some fresh opinions on the subject.

Frodo 09-07-2005 09:56 PM

Thankyou Sebationas. :ok:

Wow! 6 pages in 2 days!
There are some strong opinions in there - most of them against the idea.

I don't want to cause trouble. It was just a thought I had after reading that a lot of regulars were getting concerned about the number of new members that don't post. :unsure:

If there is nothing more to add, can some-one close this thread please?


Flop 09-07-2005 10:25 PM

I don't really see a problem here. What does it matter if new members post or not? It's not as if anyone will even notice they are there, if they don't post.

Doubler 09-07-2005 10:27 PM

Well, they do take up names :unsure:

ReamusLQ 09-07-2005 11:13 PM

but that is easily by-passed by just adding a few numbers to the end of the screen name

Sebatianos 10-07-2005 12:16 AM


Originally posted by Frodo@Jul 9 2005, 11:56 PM
I don't want to cause trouble. It was just a thought I had after reading that a lot of regulars were getting concerned about the number of new members that don't post. :unsure:
You're not causing trouble, but I think you might have misunderstood.

The members aren't concerned with new members that don't post, but with new members that post things that are just... well... spam or worse.

Shunk Eat Enemy 10-07-2005 12:47 AM

i found a member whos never posted its a admin oddly enough :eeeeeh: theres 1090 members that havent ever posted and joined before or on april first. Thats alot of work for them to do :eeeeeh: it would be nice to just select and delete them all :cry: the fact is that the members that dont post ever is an annoyance because when you look at the number of members its like HOLY BAJEEBUS also the only reason to join is for the forum. so dont join or post. i hope its not people going aboot creating profiles to clog the system that would be annoying
since i like statistics theres 1830 non post members :crazy:

Frodo 10-07-2005 03:35 AM

@ Sebatianos

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Seems that I misunderstood. :unsure:

Silly me. :rolleyes:

If there's not a problem, can someone close this thread please?

Sorry to everyone.

Braindead 11-07-2005 07:05 PM

Just an extra explanation before this is reclosed. :)

Registration offers a few benefits (like being able to use the view new posts since last visit functionality).
As the number of members doesn't really slow the system down I don't see a reason why non posters should be removed...

As for the non posting admin, if you're a regular you should be able to determine who it is. ;)

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