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BeefontheBone 22-06-2005 08:37 PM

I'm thinking about learning to use Linux, simply because I feel I ought to. Anybody got any tips (or links) on how to make the (partial) move from Windows for someone who is computer literate but entirely ignorant of Linux?

Data 22-06-2005 08:52 PM

pff get a book or so :)
as it's hard to switch back to internet under linux to read how if you don't know how to go to internet under linux :)

BeefontheBone 22-06-2005 11:13 PM

I did have a vague thought about dual booting, but it'd probably be more sensible to get a separate old PC until I know what I'm doing I suppose. I thought my dad was going to have to buy a new one too, but he got the old one fixed/upgraded (motherboard died). Damn.

_r.u.s.s. 23-06-2005 12:02 PM

once i wanted to use linux 2, but most of applications are for... windows, of couse u can emulate it with wedit or winedit, i can't remember now. and if u wanna to emulate direct x applications, u need to BUY THAT (microsoft is selling it of course). there are some program versions made for linux but linux not supported as much as windows, and lots of other drivers and stuff like this are harder to get. but linux is good for "make your computer as u want to have it" and used by lots of proffesionals. if u want some good distribution on linux, i would recommend RedHat!!!

Rogue 23-06-2005 01:45 PM

Get yourself Knoppix, CD bootable linux distribution based on Debian / GNU linux.

Then you don't have to worry about dual boot and such stuff, and accessing online tutorials on linux is easy as openning web browser.


Let us know if you have any problems.

DonCorleone 23-06-2005 09:32 PM

Yeah Knoppix is very good to teste linux out. But I have even made good experiences with suse9.0 which excellently runs dual-boot. And itīs quite easy to set it up. Even an internet connection will be installed during setup. Think suse9.0 fits well for beginners...

MdaG 30-06-2005 11:14 AM

You can check here for software links when you've gotten on your feet.

Ubuntu is a nice distribution for newcomers or you can do it the hard way (and learn a lot in the process) like I did and install Gentoo. It's a pain in the behind, but when you finally get it working you'll feel like a GOD and you will have learned more in a week than most n00bs do in a year going with a easier distribution like for example Linspire or Xandros.

Ubuntu is somewhere in the middle. It's get your hardware working on the fly hopefully, but you'll have to do the tweaks yourself.

I started out with Mandrake, but left for Gentoo after two weeks when I felt that "If I want to learn Linux I might as well go all the way."

Next time I buy a computer I will probably run Ubuntu. It's not the pain Gentoo was to install and it's quite tweakable and I like that. Gentoo is extremely tweakable since you compile everything from scratch.

If you do decide to do it the hard way, I've documented some of my issues here:

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