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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:11 AM

Monkey Island - The Secret of Monkey Island
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review + buy link

ggdepaz 28-04-2004 11:23 AM

Monkey 1
I think Monkey Island is the most funny Adventure Game i have never played.

I passed the time playing this game for hours and i didīnt stop laught.

Itīs easy to play and the story is wonderfull.

This is a game that averyone should play.

Sorry.... I donīt write in english very well. :D

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 28-04-2004 11:40 PM

I once played a demo for Monkey Island 3. I loved the demo so much i bought Monkey Island 4 ( I dont see what u guys are getting at the 3D suits the game) I then downloaded Monkey 1&2 of u guys before u started charging for it ( Which is very reasonable.. I think) now I just hav 2 wait 2 more weeks till a frien gets Monkey3 for me . AND THEN I WOULD HAVE LPAYED EM ALL.. regretebly I got stuck and beecuase their was a vast pool of walkthrough's availeble I kinda cheated.... BUT MONKEY ISLAND ROCKS .. LUCASARTS KICK THE ****** OUT OF SIERRA!! :mrgreen:

LotharGR 29-04-2004 05:38 PM

The period that the story of monkey island is set i believe is depicted better using hand-made graphics and not 3D. Of course Monkey Island isn't exactly set in the pirate era. The real pirates of that time were a lot different than those in Monkey Island. As lucasarts says, the game is in fact inspired from the "pirates of the carribean" in the theme park of Disney. Anyway... i do not believe that 3D's should be used everywere, there are some games that need to stay 2D. If a time comes that 3D will be so good as 2D in relation to detail etc then it will be ok to use them instead of 3D.

Stroggy 29-04-2004 06:53 PM

no I didn't think 3d ruined the game
I loved the 4th game as much as the other ones
but I did not like guybrush in the third one.. it was just wrong

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 30-04-2004 02:39 PM

I do agree with stroggy, guybrush was too stupid in the 4th game. Also one of my favourite things from the first 2 games are missing from the fourth. Where is the necklace of bloodshot eyeballs, the severed navigator heads, the voodoo dolls that rip peoples limbs off and all the humouros gory violence.. it seems lucasarts went for a different market audience in the 4th then they did in the 1st and 2nd.
8) :lol:

LotharGR 30-04-2004 11:32 PM

I don't know... the best character from all monkey island games for me is... Murray the powerfull demonic scull :P

Omuletzu 02-07-2004 10:33 AM

Am i the only one who is getting a faint sniff of spam?

FreeFreddy 02-07-2004 01:49 PM

It's a second attempt of spam on many threads already...

xndr2181 05-08-2004 11:18 PM

Monkey Island
This game is great. I think the whole sword battles ruled. I use to play this game all the time on my Sega CD. I think anyone who enjoys graphic adventures should play this game, it is a definate must. I actually found myself enjoying all the versions, although I will admit, I still haven't played 4. I have so many great memories of this game!

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