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manoffewords 13-02-2021 03:43 PM

Point and click adventure/mystery game
I have been searching for this game for decades now. It will nag at the back of my mind every so often and all of my searching has come up empty.

All I remember of this is a demo we had on our parents computer:

I think the computer was Windows 3.1.

What I remember of the game was you started at the title screen. You stared down the street of a New England neighborhood towards a T intersection at the house you were to investigate.
In the foreground you saw two houses on either side of the street, one had a white picket fence in the front yard and I think the other had a hedge. leaning against the white picket fence there was a bicycle.
In the background you saw a blue sky with a few clouds floating by, and as the title music played you could see a hot air balloon rising up and past the screen.

When you clicked the mouse the game would start and I think you were greeted by a letter from your friend telling you to go to his house (the one at the end of the street) to find a document or something and that there was a key under the front door mat.

You click your way down to the end of the street, click your way through the fence gate and up to the front door where you proceed to click the door mat.
The corner of the door mat lifts up revealing a key for the back door.
you click your way around the back of the house revealing the back patio and french doors leading into the house.

You unlock the doors and enter into what I remember was a library or a study where the owner has a desk in the center of the room facing the doors to the patio. There are doors on your left and right and bookcases behind the desk.
You then proceeded to snoop around to the room looking at things.
You then find a safe hidden behind books on one of the cases or behind a painting.
You find the safe combination in the desk and proceed to open it.

That's where things get fuzzy. I don't know if the demo ended or I just couldn't figure out what to do next, but that is as much as I can remember.
I'm sure some of the details are mixed up, but that title screen is burned in my mind.
It may be a foggy memory, but I know if I see that title screen I will remember it instantly.

Thank you for your assistance in my search for a game that probably doesn't even exist.

Smiling Spectre 15-02-2021 03:45 PM

Can you remember anything about interface? How everything _not_ on main screen looked? Inventory? Compass? Character model? How movement executed? Adventure-like, with static screens? Myst-like with 360-degrees view? Not free movement, according to your description, I believe.

Capo 15-02-2021 03:49 PM

It sounds like a Art of Murder game, but that may be too recent

DrWho42 16-02-2021 09:26 PM

this sounds familiar but i can't think of the name!

Tracker 17-02-2021 08:42 PM

Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine?
There's only one point & click adventure game that I know on Windows 3.1, and it's Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine. Granted it's quite different from what you describe but maybe it can help you track your game down.

Also, if not already, I recommend you to visit this website:

People can help you track down your game in r/tipofmyjoystick.

The Anywhere Machine:

It's downloadable free of charge:

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