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Havell 22-04-2005 05:46 PM

There weren't any so I'd thought I'd start a thread about Deus Ex!
I'll start this off with a request for help from me, I'm replaying the game and I've got to the first visit to Hell's Kitchen. I've destroyed the generator and killed all the enemies but I've found a safe in the basement office, it would take me 6 lockpicks to get in (and I don't have 6 lockpicks), the safe contains the silent run aug, which I really want, is there a key anywhere on the level?

DeathDude 22-04-2005 05:56 PM

I don't think there is any key for that, but just a heads up for next time, if you had some explosives like a lam or rocket launcher you could use that to blow open the safe, instead of wasting 6 lockpicks.

Havell 22-04-2005 06:00 PM

Cool, I'll try that, thanks (I didn't waste any lockpicks on it, i only have a couple).
btw, is that safe still there when you come back to Hell's Kichen later in the game?

Zarkumo 23-04-2005 10:34 AM

If you ask me the silent run augmentation is rather useless, I wouldn't waste a slot for it. (Especially since the jump aug is so much more useful!)

So I also wouldn't waste time on the safe. ;)

DeathDude 23-04-2005 04:16 PM

I think the safe is still there when you return but the aug won't be there, funny that the nsf had time to replace the safe you ended up breaking into too LOL

Oh and I wouldn't use silent aug either, not as useful then the other one speed aug, it's very useful when you start to upgrade it, that'll show your enemies.

Havell 23-04-2005 05:23 PM

Fair enough, I'll get speed. Might help me out of a few sticky situations.

PrejudiceSucks 23-04-2005 05:58 PM

The best way to do it ammuntion-less is to take down all of the guard in the whole building (gas grenades are handy for this, as are tranquilier darts) and then push one of the barrels into the place with a safe, push the others to the other end of the floor and blow the single barrel up.

You can then hack the computer if that's your style (it's mine) or just push the barrels back and blow the generator up (unsubtle, but effective).

I really do recommend to everyone that Computer, Electronics and Lockpicking are their first choices, as it makes the game a whole lot quicker. The other skills come a lot quicker when you have these.

Oh and speed + thermotopic camo is just about the best combo when you get put into the *unknown location*. No spoilers for anyone who hasn't completed it.

DeathDude 23-04-2005 06:51 PM

Yeah that was also a good suggestion a lot of game still to go based on what you've said thus far, but silent aug doesn't do much good, speed will help you out in a lot of jams when your facing some of the enemies.

As well upgrading some of your weapon skills is also something you might want to do, especially rifle it's that's your thing, it really helps out once you get them to higher levels.

PrejudiceSucks 23-04-2005 07:02 PM

Nah, I stuck with my Stealth Pistol right through the game and put all of my mods on it. The only other thing that my mods went onto was recoil on my Sniper Rifle and a silencer on it. It got accurate when I found loads of Accuracy mods and put them on that too.

I baiscally used 2 weapons for the whole game + thermotopic camo.

Zarkumo 23-04-2005 08:46 PM

Once I found them, the weapons I used were (in this order) assault shotgun, GEP Gun (homing missiles) and Dragon Tooth.

Sneaking around like a scared mouse wasn't particularly my style of play. :D

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