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Flop 21-04-2005 01:00 AM

During the past couple of weeks we've had threads about movies, comedy series and even comic books (sorry, graphic novels :)), so I thought it was time for a discussion about books. This has probably been discussed before, but I didn't find any old threads on the subject, so I thought I'd start a new one. I hope that's alright.

Well, I just finished Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown (the prequel to The Da Vinci Code, which I read a couple of months ago). It's alright, definitely entertaining, but a little farfetched.

I'm now in the process of trying to read The Illuminatus Trilogy for the third time. It's a pretty entertaining book, but the other times I tried reading it, I lost interest about halfway through, and so I never finished it.

The book I'm really looking forward to reading, and have for some time, is A Feast For Crows, which will hopefully be out sometime during the summer. It's the fourth book in a series of seven, called A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R. Martin. I definitely recommend the other books to anybody with an interest in fantasy. When I picked up the first book, last summer, I hadn't really been reading books for about a year, but these books really resparked my interest in reading. I finished the first three in about two weeks, which is probably the fastest I've ever read anything (they're over 3000 pages, combined). I simply couldn't put them down. If any of you guys ever read any DragonLance or Forgotten Realms books, and wondered why modern fantasy books are so crappy, you should definitely look at these. Highly recommended.

But anyway, what good books have you read lately? What genre of books do you prefer? What great classics would you recommend? Just put anything book related in here, and let's have a good discussion.

masked_llama 21-04-2005 06:02 AM

Favorite book is The Wolf's Hour by Robert R. McCammon. Its about a werewolf British Secret agent that fights nazis. Its MUCH better than it sounds. trust me.

Currently I'm reading Boy's Life by Robert McCammon. Its about, well, a boy's summer and has a little murder mystery thrown, mostly for some flavor.

Recently finished, I Robot, by Isaac Asimov. Haven't seen the movie, don't want too.

Next book, probably going to be 1984 or maybe Robert McCammon's Myster Walk.

Its obvoius I really like McCammon's work. He's a bettter version of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Too bad he's not as well known.

I do keep meaning to borrow the Forgetton Realms Dr'zzt books from afriend, they are insanely recommended.

As for great Classics, i'd recommend I Robot. It's good.

bed time

taikara 21-04-2005 06:23 AM


Angels and Demons! I've been reading that book for months, and I hate it! But I refuse to give up, so I read about a paragraph once a week. :D

It's so lame! :tai:

I'm rather preferential to Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age. Let's see... fantasy-wise, Meredith Anne Pierce's Darkangel trilogy is excellent...

Iron_Scarecrow 21-04-2005 06:40 AM

I started reading Fox Evil, but for some reason I just stopped and can't remember the last thing I read in it so I'm not going to bother trying again.

Next book to read will be out of:

The Fifth Hostage by Terence Strong
Masquerade by Gayle Lynds
One Man Running by Clive Egleton

I'm never going to bother reading Angels and Demons cause I didn't much care for The Da Vinci Code, mainly cause it was given so much hype and priase that when I went to read it I was expecting a masterpiece and was very disapointed. I probably wont bother readin any other book by Dan Brown either.


Originally posted by masked_llama@Apr 21 2005, 04:02 PM
Recently finished, I Robot, by Isaac Asimov. Haven't seen the movie, don't want too.
I really enjoyed that movie, it's one of Will Smiths best performances, it's a nice break from all his homie talk and such.

Spookyfish 21-04-2005 06:56 AM

What about the more classic novels like "Dracula"? Anybody except me who has read those? I thought "Dracula" dragged a lot at times, where nothing happened. Bah. Hated those parts...

While we're on vampires, has anyone read Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend"? It's really, really good :D.

TheSmyth 21-04-2005 07:11 AM

If you're talking Vampires the best books have to be the "Necroscope" series by Robert Ludlum.... Think the x-files meets dracula.

Fantastic!!!1 :ok:

Edit: Sorry - Theat's Brian Lumley not Robert Ludlum

Timpsi 21-04-2005 09:19 AM

Since the previous book thread I have discovered that Flann O'Brien, the eternal wonderboy of the Irish literature, has excelled not only in The Poor Mouth, but also in The Third Policeman. Awesome books, definitely recommended.

And of course everyone has read Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita?

Leonhart 21-04-2005 09:30 AM

Here are the books that I had already read:

20 Goosebumps books- when I was a kid

10 Nancy Drew books- when I was a kid

Sherlock Holmes- I could use a good mystery every once in a while

Shattering Glass- teen angst and teen problems

Cirque du Freak- a very disturbing story

All Harry Potter books- Need I say more?

Artemis Fowl- never got to finish it. It's boring!!!!!!!!!

The Thief Lord- yeah, it's childish, but I like it

wendymaree 21-04-2005 09:30 AM

I have to agree with Taikara's post about the magnificent Dark Angel novel by Meredith Ann Pierce. However, now I can't find your post, my love. I hope I haven't deleted it by mistake. I meant to hit the quote button. :blink:

A. J. Raffles 21-04-2005 09:45 AM

I'm doing a degree in English Lit, so quite a lot of the stuff I read is for my courses (I couldn't possibly get through the reading lists otherwise). I just finished Astrophil and Stella and am currently reading A Tale of Two Cities. After that it'll be Pilgrim's Progress and Paradise Lost for me. But it isn't quite as bad as it sounds. Most classics aren't half bad once you get used to them.:)
I like reading thrillers as well, though. Matthew Reilly is one of my favourites. And occasionally children's books - the first three volumes of The Edge Chronicles were brilliant, and so was the His Dark Materials trilogy. Great stuff.

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