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YaoiLover 09-04-2005 04:37 PM

Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller
Is Starsiege abandonware? Just curious because I haven't seen it for sale for the long time and I once had it but my friend lost the cd. >.<;;; Not Starsiege: Tribes... It's involds mechs shooting each others down like Battlesiege and the cover of the box looks like this

And I know Hell is abandonware because I saw it back in around 1990's so I bet it is... The full name of that name is Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller. The cover looks like this.

MrBackAlleySka 09-04-2005 05:10 PM

HOTU has Hell, but I dunno if it's abandonware. It dosen't have a download link, it has a "possible sources" link.
And Starsiege is still for sale.

However Starsiege: Tribes is abandones. Or so says this link. I know he didn't want it, but OTHERS may ^^

If it's not, then someone remove it ^^

Edit: I can't believe I beat Timpsi on those links LOL

Mad-E-Fact 09-04-2005 06:42 PM

In your rush to be faster than Timpsi you forgot to read the original post. He specifically stated that he's NOT looking for Starsiege: Tribes... ;)

Yobor 09-04-2005 07:10 PM

Ahh! Mayhap you mean Shattered Steel? That is an old mech-based game. It is actually very enjoyable. Here is a link. Not Abandoned, I don't think.

MrBackAlleySka 09-04-2005 09:13 PM

LOL I know he didn't want Starsiege: Tribes. However I saw it on that site and figured "hey, OTHER people may want it. Its so much fun ^^" But your correct that I didn't spesify that. LOL I apoligise and I edited my previous post.

Galadrin 10-04-2005 12:54 AM

I don't know where you're from, but I was able to pick up a copy of Starsiege in a shovelware bin at London Drugs for about 10 dollars. Also, for any interested in Starsiege: The Tribes, Vivendi/Universal also has it available for download from their own website. It probably has a better bandwidth than most other places and it's your duty to cost them money for ruining the _____ Quest series. :ok: (even if it's only pennies)

Fawfulhasfury 10-04-2005 05:28 PM

This is getting off topic, too off topic, and a sickening not allowed kind of off topic. And now that it is off topic, I've deleted your posts concerning yaios avatar. And I do doubt that that kind of avatar is allowed here yaio, plz change it to something suitable, and now, this topic is closed to prevent any more off-topic discussions. thank you


TotalAnarchy 13-11-2009 02:20 PM

Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller [PROTECTED] by Take-Two until 1 January 2010
Starsiege [SOLD] together with Starsiege: Tribes at and

Cluseck 03-02-2010 09:31 PM

Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller
Adventure game set in the future. The game was protected but only until this year. Sold only at Amazon Marketplace.

Is it abandonware?

Paco 03-02-2010 10:00 PM

Thread already exist *will merge it later*. Like you said it lost all Protection, but we have to check the Sold-Status.

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