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Omuletzu 10-07-2004 11:58 AM

Requesting some attention grrr
Okay it's been more than a month since i first uploaded a game... i am curious why isn't it on the site.I mean i know that reviewing is a long process but 1 month??? Two weeks ago i uploaded DinoPark tycoon, along with a review... still not on the site.If i'm uploading games for nothing then tell me because i won't bother anymore.Also i've been trying to get Kosta's attention for a week now, but with no succes.I just need an approval so i can upload C&C, and i also need him to refresh my poll options = 10 min tops. First i thought he was too busy with his exams. but then i saw posts by him... i mean it only takes ten minutes to refresh a poll, and send an approval message.
And the games i uploaded were voted by abandonians, so that means that the games are somewhat popular, and somewhat good.That in turn means that i wasn't uploading junk, so i don't know why they are not on the site

Kiddiarni 10-07-2004 12:00 PM

Beats me...

Tom Henrik 10-07-2004 01:06 PM

Personally I had forgotten that you had uploaded DinoPark. Sorry.
I am trying to place as many games on the site as possible. As you might have noticed :wink:

But I need the help of Kosta, since he is the only person who can actually place archives from the Upload Server to the Game Server. I will try to make DinoPark the next update. Maybe even today. Will look into it at once!

But before you start to attack Kosta... he has a lot on his mind these days, so please forgive him for being a lazy bum :P

Omuletzu 10-07-2004 01:07 PM

My "attack", as you call it, is not directed only at Kosta

[EDIT] Dinopark doesn't have screenshots [/EDIT]

Tom Henrik 10-07-2004 01:09 PM


I just checked your upload folder, Omuletzu.

It's empty... :?

Could you check your FTP window to see if you get the same result as I have? If it indeed is empty, then I can't do much I'm afraid :(

Omuletzu 10-07-2004 01:14 PM

Wait a minute
Kosta said he erased my Horde email account, because it had a size of 53 MB.Is it possible that all of my games didn't reach the server, and were left on the email folder somehow??

Tom Henrik 10-07-2004 01:16 PM


Can you try to upload it again?
How long will that take?

Omuletzu 10-07-2004 01:17 PM

This week end?
Impossible, but as soon as monday comes, i will upload all of my promised games

Tom Henrik 10-07-2004 01:19 PM

Sure thing.

Enjoy the weekend :D

Omuletzu 10-07-2004 01:21 PM

I just hope i can upload the games i promised

OMG Picard was expecting MoM, i hope he received it(i sent it to the server, but don't know if it reached it)

Have a happy week end

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