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wuyanxu 23-03-2005 05:16 PM

hi, im looking for some multiplayer FPS games that will run on my school's computer, i came across this site.
after click on Doom2, i found there are no multiplayer capability, however, i've played Doom2 at school with friends, so i don't know why it says there are no MP capablility......

could anyone recommand me some good FPS multiplayer games ??

Lizard 23-03-2005 05:23 PM

I dont think this is right forum to discuss that :whistle:
Try general talk...

wuyanxu 23-03-2005 06:06 PM

ok, sorry, but how do you move threads... or can you move threads?

Rogue 23-03-2005 06:08 PM

Mods will move the tread.

Nyerguds 21-04-2005 04:19 PM

Well for most older multiplayer games you'll have to install some stuff like the IPX protocol on the PC's... which you can't do without admin access.

NrmMyth 21-04-2005 05:10 PM

Even after finding a game and installing it at schools comps, ...
... well your chances to get the approval of your teacher, are rather small. :not_ok:

Maybe you could tranquilize your teacher, and then edit the admin stuff... :sneaky:

Tulac 21-04-2005 08:57 PM

And I doubt that any of these oldies support more than let's say 4 players over LAN anyway, however I really can't think of any game that would fit the criteria...

NrmMyth 22-04-2005 08:30 PM

In my case it doesn't matter how old the game is, I can install almost everything on those comps, but the problem of getting admin's approval still remains... :wall:

Danny252 22-04-2005 10:01 PM

if we used multiplayer games at school we'd be banned from the pc's... heck they've even banned freewebs now

Havell 22-04-2005 10:06 PM

I can get away with playing KoL and things so long as I keep it relatively secret (not playing it constantly during lessons) there was a time a few years ago when EVERYBODY in the school was playing Neopets, that got blocked, I was there when it happened a huge cry of anguish rose from the entire computer room as they were cut off in their playing LOL

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