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xoopx 20-03-2005 02:51 PM


ive lost interest in all games. i start up a game, and i just quit. i cant be bothered.

ive been there, done that, or im just bored at the thought of whatever game.


someone find me an AMAZING game and cure me

Eagle of Fire 20-03-2005 02:51 PM

Been there, done that... ;)

The best antidote to this illness is stop gaming completely for one or two weeks. You'll see your urge to play old games rising in the meantime... ;)

Edit: If you want you could always pay this game a visit... Our Clan need a Turtle Tamer, BTW... :sneaky:

Kon-Tiki 20-03-2005 02:53 PM

Hehe, got that from time to time too. But a game that I love playing even in such times, is The New Zealand Story (which also seems to be one of your favourite games, seeing your sig :D )

Stroggy 20-03-2005 03:01 PM

I've had the exact same thing quite a few times. I end up opening and closing not just games but also programs. Often I catch myself just staring at my desktop. There is no real solution to it other than finding a new game.

TaloN 20-03-2005 03:22 PM

just turn off ur pc, and go read a book ro do somethign else.

i have it often. loaded up morrowind this morning and promptly closed it.

Stroggy 20-03-2005 03:57 PM


Originally posted by TaloN@Mar 20 2005, 04:22 PM

loaded up morrowind this morning and promptly closed it.

Yes, I have the same thing with Morrowind. I start it up when suddenly i think "what will i do now? Jump around Balmora, AGAIN?" the problem with a lot of new games is that they pride themselves on being unlinear. This also means that once you've done all you can... it gets dull. Thats why i like to play a good old linear adventuregame once in a while.

Tulac 20-03-2005 05:18 PM

I'm on a slump myself, too, I just startes playing Gothic and after two minutes I closed, and the worst thing is I actually like, the same is with the new version of Pirates! and some other games too, I guess I have to refill my gaming batteries...

N17R0 20-03-2005 05:28 PM

I don't really have long slumps, but I will have days where I don't know what I even feel like playing.
"hmm, shall I play Morrowind today? naaaah.
Maybe some NES? naaaah.
Hook up the Genesis and play Sonic? naaaaah."

DeathDude 20-03-2005 05:35 PM

I've been in a few slumps myself, it usually happens when I play too much of a game for awhile e.g Sims, or Deus Ex, just do something else for awhile it'll come back, or involve yourself with multipler gaming, that always does the trick for me anyway.

Stroggy 20-03-2005 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Tulac@Mar 20 2005, 06:18 PM
the same is with the new version of Pirates!
Now Pirates! isn't a very diffiicult game to get bored of. I mean you can only fight the same criminal in the exact same way so many times, or dance the same dance again and again.

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