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Kizzikat 17-03-2005 01:21 AM

OK, I haven't been here long but I have a serious complaint. Because of YOU and YOUR SITE I have been wasting many hours of my life playing classic games. :( I blame this on YOU! Since finding this site my game playing hours have skyrocketed once again. Didn't you think when you started this place, that some people actually work on their computers and what the effect of offering enticing games to them might be. Damn buggers, the lot of you. :ranting:

Fawfulhasfury 17-03-2005 01:24 AM

Hey thanks. :D But um, next time, offer your thanks in a different tone. Can't wait to see what the admins will say to this one. :evil:

Iron_Scarecrow 17-03-2005 03:51 AM

The same thing has kind of happened to me, but it's cause of the forum. But I don't care I'm still happy.

Titan 17-03-2005 04:23 AM

:sniper: :Tom:


Iron_Scarecrow 17-03-2005 04:37 AM

Well Titan said a lot.

DeathDude 17-03-2005 05:11 AM

Meh it happens, it's understandable, it's just sometimes you need to learn control, yes it's tempting with some of the games, but just think get the work done first more time for gaming later. :ok:

Hkizzle 17-03-2005 06:51 AM

Computer addiction and computer gaming in particular are actually growing problems that are not well documented or receive enough media attention.

The media have tried to link gaming to violence, which I think is stupid. Gamers know games are not reality.

However, I think that a lot of gamers are border line addicted to gaming. I was addicted to a MMORPG before (was my first and last). Playing till too late at night, and not stopping when I know I should stop.
The classic, play for another 5 minutes (repeated 30 times) syndrome.

Computer gaming alters one of the neurotransmitters in the brain (I think serotonin, can't remember), by elevating it and therefore creating a sense of pleasure. So it makes you want to keep doing it, and feel bad when not doing it.

In MMORPG games, the addiction is worse because you get a sense of achievement from leveling up, and also social interaction with other players.

Symptoms for computer addiction in general (not just gaming) from the following site

Having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer
Inability to stop the activity
Craving more and more time at the computer
Neglect of family and friends
Feeling empty, depressed, irritable when not at the computer
Lying to employers and family about activities
Problems with school or job

It's easy for people to say wow, you're messed up, just stop playing!

Well, if you can stop then it is not addiction.....

It's easy to say, but don't get too caught up in gaming! If you are caught up, you really need a lot of will power to quit, or help from others. At the very least, know where you stand. :sneaky:

BTW, I love this site. I thought games from my childhood was lost forever.

wormpaul 17-03-2005 07:37 AM

:rifle: :rifle: :rifle:

Just wanna help the :Titan:

Kizzikat 17-03-2005 08:26 AM

I must admit, although I've been downloading and enjoying games here, I certainly haven't become addicted, nor has the game playing interferred with my life.

A did once become seriously addicted to a MMORPG, oh my! On the up side I did get a lover who is now still a friend out of it. :D Those were good days.

Tom Henrik 17-03-2005 09:14 AM


A new and innovative "Thank you" topic :D

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