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factcheckingcuz 12-12-2015 04:13 PM

WW1 SHMUP early 90s
Looking for a game I only saw one time in the early 90s

I'm 90% sure it was on amiga - VGA graphics

A world war 1 or 2 top scrolled SHMUP (Im thinking WW1 cause I think you're flying a sopwith.) It was relatively slow paced and not futuristic with crazy weapons

On the first level you were shooting ground vehicles. Green trucks and jeeps in a desert or on grass. Also buildings with wooden roofs.

Ive been searching for a good while.. Also chekced this list a few times and im pretty sure its not on it, though I might have missed it.

Of course theres a chance my memory is fooling me on several of these things.
Still, hope it rings a bell for someone :smile2:


Bugamn 13-12-2015 01:18 AM

Do you remember if the game had a top-down or sideways perspective?

Smiling Spectre 14-12-2015 10:01 AM

Something like 1942? It's not Amiga though (It's 1984, so can be explained. :)

Moby think, it's series, so at least 1943 can match description too. And it _is_ on Amiga.

factcheckingcuz 03-02-2016 06:18 PM

Thanks for the feedback, but it wasnt 1942

I just found it though! :OK:

It was Wings by Cinemaware!

It's divided in three game modes, strafing, bombing and dogfight. And the parts I saw was strafing and bombing. Never got to play it that time back in 1992 I think it was, but man my fingers were itching :)

If anyone are interested:

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