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Zup 23-03-2014 03:48 PM

Where can I find awlist?
I've got some ISOs I've dumped, and I'd like to put them in the ISO cellar. I've tried to check awlist, but the link doesn't work anymore.

The link I've used is:

Are there any valid link? The list has been moved?


BTW, those ISOs are Norton Commander 5.0 spanish (in the tools part are some links to Norton Commander 5.5, but in other languages), Gex (not Gex 3D), F117 Nighthawk (a re-release of Microprose title in CD), Flying Saucer (de) and Milo Manara - El juego del Kamasura (sp). There are some others ISOs to follow.

Japo 23-03-2014 09:43 PM

The oldwarez list has been out of date for years even before the link stopped working.

The current reference is the Requests board. Search for thread titles only (which must coincide with the game title) in Requests and all children boards.

If Milo Manara is an adult/erotic game, we don't carry those (sorry). I think Norton Commander is also in principle out of scope because it's not a game, we only provide a download of it because it can be used by some people as a DOS UI to play games etc.

Zup 24-03-2014 06:34 AM

The status for my games are:
- Gex: not listed
- F117: Listed in main site.
- Flying Saucer: Not listed.
- Grand Theft Auto: Listed in main site.

So, I guess I should create a thread in the ISO cellar for F117 Nighthawk.

GTA is linked to the version in rockstar site, but I have a original CD release and the mission pack London 1969. Also, there is another mission pack (London 1961) free in rockstar site. Should I put a link on the ISO cellar or is forbidden to get GTA from other sites than rockstar?

Gex and Flying Saucer are not listed, I don't know what to do with them.

El juego del Kamasutra seems to be erotic/adult, but it's truly a rare. You can see japanese games everywhere, but this game is very hard to find. I'll try to find it a new home on another site.

Norton Commander is the spanish version (although somewhat older), and I know it's offered as a tool. There are versions on some other languages, and I wonder if it could be useful for completeness.

Also, what about game creating tools? I've got DIV Games Studio 2, a complete IDE for making DOS games. It's a tool, but it's very game related.

Japo 24-03-2014 09:28 PM

Gex is listed (approved), but our forum's shitty search engine doesn't accept short words:

When a game isn't listed (e.g. Flying Saucer), create a new thread to ask someone to find out its status. Provide as many info on the game as you can (mobygames or other link, or year, company, etc.)

For GTA I don't know if we would be allowed to mirror or provide extra content, it depends on the terms on which the owner is offering it...

Myself I would also like to have Manara's game, from what I know the art must be very good, but this is an old website policy.

Do you have an idea on where to offer it? I was/am admin (not owner) at a big Spanish website ( and it includes erotic games. The owner died and there were problems to continue accessing admin functions, but it remains online and well after many years (also in memoriam) and I could try.

I'm not against hosting non games and utilities, there's been some talk about it before. We would have to come up with a way to do it in the current and unencouraging website (which we can't change), and someone in the staff would have to invest in it.

Mighty Midget 25-03-2014 06:52 PM

If Flying Saucer is what I think it is, the 1998 UFO sim published by Software 2000 then the status of that would be interesting to learn. That game was one stray thought away from becoming vapourware before it was leaked. HoTU had this title. As far as I know, there exist no physical copies of this game and only 2 versions found their way to the internet, one of which was the "CD" version. If someone can figure the status out, it would be a unique title to have here for sure.

Zup 25-03-2014 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty Midget (Post 459693)
If Flying Saucer is what I think it is, the 1998 UFO sim published by Software 2000 then the status of that would be interesting to learn. That game was one stray thought away from becoming vapourware before it was leaked. HoTU had this title. As far as I know, there exist no physical copies of this game and only 2 versions found their way to the internet, one of which was the "CD" version. If someone can figure the status out, it would be a unique title to have here for sure.

Yes, it is the german version of that title. Looking at ebay, it seems not so rare. Maybe it was unreleased in english.

I bought that game from ebay, and it is a printed (not burned) CD. I've tried to get information about it on the old site of jowood, but there is nothing available.

Edit: It seems that Flying Saucer was never released as a game, but instead got a release as part of a compilation (as stated in jowood site on 2002). A further search on ebay shows that compilation for sale.

I've looked for a similar release, but it seems that the game was never released in english.

Mighty Midget 25-03-2014 10:17 PM

The version HoTU have/had, was in English, iirc. I got it from them and if I can find it and IF I remember to, I'll check but I do believe it was the English version.

EDIT: Confirmed. The HotU version is the English one. English menus and English voice acting.

Zup 26-03-2014 06:16 AM

Yes, I know.

I bought the game some time after playing the HotU version. The HotU version I dowloaded had about 100 megs, low res videos and compressed audio and everything was in english.

HotU always stated that Flying Saucer was unreleased because PostLinear went bankrupt. As I said before, it seems that german version were released (although not on their own) but english versions never went gold. Maybe there are only leaked english versions?

I was thinking some time ago about converting my german to a "better" english version (mixing the high res videos with the english sound) and opened a thread, but I didn't found a way to do that...

Mighty Midget 26-03-2014 06:20 AM

To have that in high res and English would be pretty sweet. The low res graphics aren't bad, the cutscenes I'd say are pretty good except for a few bits of garbled pixels when I run it in XP. Still, high res would be neat.

A modernised version would have been pretty cool.

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