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dosraider 19-03-2014 07:57 AM

Dosbox and Windows 8.x [Basic howto]
Basically the same of Win7.
Be sure to use the latest version of dosbox!!

Also certainly use your home folders or another partition than C:

Mounting and using old CDs can give some problems, (*can*) , If that's the case use a CD image and dosbox's excellent imgmount.

If you need a soft that can create dosbox compatible ISO or BIN-CUE
is highly recommended.
In fact I would strongely advise to always use a CD image, as those old games usually do a lot of CD reads, gonna give problems with spinup-spindowns, even heat.....all avoided by using a CD image.

Automount on D: partition
If you don't have/want to use another partition than C use
c:\users\your name\oldgames
or similar, but stay in your own folders, don't mess around on c:\root.

\oldgames\ folder must be created manually first.

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