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StaaViinsZ 25-09-2013 11:28 PM

Printing Questions
I never could seem to get the site to give me a good print preview. (I use Firefox)
When I say print preview, it gives me the large header at the top of the site, and then part of the first post. Nothing more.
If I scroll down before I click the print Preview, it does the same thing.
I tried using the printable version... Same problem.
Anybody know how to print out the forum's pages without copy paste?
Note: I like to still see the smilies when I print it out, so If at all possible, I want to avoid using the printable version which turns them into text.:picard:

Smiling Spectre 26-09-2013 04:30 AM

You would be surprised, but my previews shows full discussions. Divided by pages, of course. And (surprise!) my printers print that according to this view. Or any asked page(s). Check your settings, maybe? ;)

StaaViinsZ 26-09-2013 06:12 AM

Do you use Firefox? And is it the same version? Perhaps I should try IE or Opera or Chrome?

Japo 26-09-2013 07:55 PM

That layout is made by the browser, so fiddle its settings (or you may try a different one)

Smiling Spectre 27-09-2013 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by StaaViinsZ (Post 457312)
Do you use Firefox? And is it the same version? Perhaps I should try IE or Opera or Chrome?

Oh. I didn't try FF. I haven't it. But I tried Opera, Chrome and IE, and all of them worked. :)

StaaViinsZ 27-09-2013 10:36 AM

Google Chrome Works Well...
Strange. I tried my Aunt's version of Google Chrome and it works great for printing. I'll have to check on my computer, when I get back from my trip, to see if Chrome or otherwise works this well on there.

Looks like Mozilla has issues with frames and printing. Either that or my Mozilla just has issues. LOL!:ouch:

Note: I was about to say something about me advancing to the rank of AB nerd, and how weird that was, but Japo might strike me down with his sword of flaming fury! :lynch: :smile2:

(Also known as politely moving my discussion to a new thread, in kindness)

Smiling Spectre 27-09-2013 11:33 AM

No post counts->no new ranks. Simply. ;)

Mostak Ahmed 27-09-2013 01:33 PM

You may visit to get help.

StaaViinsZ 27-09-2013 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mostak Ahmed (Post 457348)
You may visit to get help.

You may visit for some idiotic nonsense that has nothing to do with what we are talking about...

Was that previous post spam?
It looks useful, but it doesn't seem to apply to this issue... which isn't really an issue... just a discussion of a little question I had.

So that post came out of nowhere! XD

Japo 27-09-2013 11:59 PM

That is certainly spam and most likely a bot. You'll get used to recognize them because sadly they're all over the place on AB lately. The boards and threads with most momentary activity seem to attract them.

I regret that you associate me with the idea of a flaming sword, I'll be tolerant :)

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