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Fawfulhasfury 14-01-2005 02:48 AM

Discuss A Vampyre Story here, the upcoming point and click adventure game by ex-LucasArts employees.

The story:
Mona is a generally nice person who has a bad temper when people cross her. She is also driven and will not let anyone stop her from achieving the goals she has set for herself. So when Mona gets spirited away by Shrowdy to his castle in deepest darkest Draxsylvania, she is determined to get back to Paris and continue her promising opera singing career. But Shrowdy, her vampire captor, has complete control over her ever since he turned her into a vampire, so Mona is trapped. But, as fate would have it, two professional vampire hunters stake Shrowdy through the heart one night, and Mona then finds herself free. The problem is she has no clue how she got here or how to get back, and she isn’t hip to the whole vampire thing. Mona thinks Shrowdy has cast a spell on her; she is in full denial that she is a blood sucking corpse who feeds off the living. She thinks it is red wine that Shrowdy brings here every night, and she doesn’t notice that the vintage on the bottle says O positive and O negative. This is where Froderick, a wisecracking bat who hangs out with Mona, comes in. He is a bit savvier about the world than Mona, and does his best to guide her in the right direction. Froderick generally likes Mona and has adopted her goals as his. Beside he has nothing better to do, and guano fights in the belfry can only stave off bored for so long.

And a couple of exclusive screens I found online. A storyboard and a screen of the verb coin interface.

Thank you

feminista 14-01-2005 03:39 AM

Ooh, cool, a Monkey Island 3/Full Throttle style interface. That was always my favorite interface for adventure games. Simpler than early games, more complex than King's Quest 7, Legend of Kyrandia 2, etc.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. The story reminds me a bit of Christopher Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends, which is a wonderfully funny book.

The Fifth Horseman 14-01-2005 07:39 AM

When/where will we be able to buy it?

Fawfulhasfury 14-01-2005 01:38 PM

USA, Italy, UK, France, Mexico, and many other countries, check then go to the distributers page :ok:

DeathDude 14-01-2005 01:41 PM

Looks like a very cool game, when I first heard the premise of the game, I was very interested, can't wait till it comes out.

Fawfulhasfury 14-01-2005 01:44 PM

Yes, its directed by Bill Tiller, the director of Monkey Island 3 and the rest of the team worked on many famous LucasArts adventure games. The team behind it are also negotiating rights to Sam and Max : Freelance Police.

Fawfulhasfury 14-01-2005 01:48 PM

I guess Mona learns new abilitys every part, and they get added to the cross every part. Notice the fly ability icon at the top. Or the bite and talk icon to the left.

The Fifth Horseman 17-01-2005 09:35 AM

Old-school adventure games = what the horsemen love most.

xoopx 17-01-2005 09:55 AM

ill wait to see what people think of it first. it does look like its going to be good

Fruit Pie Jones 17-01-2005 08:53 PM

I like my women slender, but that's just not healthy.

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