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bukimi 21-09-2012 05:22 AM

"Location" in profile bug
Some bug clears my "location" entry on my profile everyday. I see some other users also have only comma as location, so are also affected.

Did anyone notice similar problem?

I'm updating it again now and see how long it will remain.

bukimi 27-09-2012 06:38 PM

Location disappeared from my profile now.

It seems that it happened that way:
1. I normally use English version of site for forum.
2. I got to main Abandonia page in Polish. (from Google results)
3. I clicked "Forum" - it was still in Polish.
4. I manually switched to English.

Now "Location" is again only a comma...

Can anyone check this scenario? I don't know if it happens for all languages or only for Polish.

It can also have something to do with me using two computers.
On one it's opening the site in English as default, on the other one, Abandonia opens in Polish language...

Dave 01-10-2012 04:02 PM

Hello bukimi, sorry for the late reply.

It looks like the Drupal profile options from main site are overwriting forum options, however the location fields were disabled from "My account" panel by technicians time ago.

I suggest you to use the contact form for little glitches like this one.

In case things won't be solved in a reasonable time please send me a reminder via personal message and I'll try to speed up things :)

Thanks for the report!

Japo 18-10-2012 07:58 PM

It just happened to me. In my case, instead of turning blank, my location rolled back to the old value. What I did, at least one of the things I did, was logging into the website (I hadn't for a long time, lately I always visited the forum directly though /vbullet/), and then when I entered the forum again directly I was logged out from it, and when I logged back in (directly through /vbullet/) my location was reset to the old value that my website profile shows.

So it may be the website profile overwriting the forum one, whenever the famously horrible cross-profile hack comes into action. One problem though, is that the website profile does have a location, but it cannot be edited! Ha!

I remember the location in the website profile was mandatory to be filled in. Users didn't like this, so I thought it was made optional. But apparently the location entry field was removed altogether, and only the optional one in the forum (/vbullet/) remains. The problem is that the entry field was removed, but the underlying data field wasn't. I'm guessing old users have the value they had when the change was made, and new users who registered after the change have them blank.

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