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Funkmaster5000 08-08-2012 11:15 AM

Cheetahmen - Worst game ever...
...or still enjoyable?

Do you know this game or other catastrophes?

E.T is also quite "good" :perv:

MrFlibble 10-08-2012 02:02 PM

There's an interesting blog called Super Adventures in Gaming, there are reviews of various games including those that might be considered quite bad (by the reviewer or by the reader).

bukimi 13-09-2012 12:08 PM

They say original copy of Cheetahmen game is worth more than 1000$. I wonder why anyone would like to have one...

RRS 13-09-2012 12:32 PM

A collector, especially one with OCD ;) "Gotta catch 'em all!", you know. Take all those trading card games: they build a new collecting fad out of nothing, people flock to it and buy that booster 100x times to get that ultra-rare card = profit.

And people call me crazy because I want to dig up a movie from the archives that, what requires about $200 (at least I try to find a couple of people to split the cost).

Mighty Midget 13-09-2012 02:58 PM

I am now watching that cheetahmen vid and my question is, is this game working at all? Seems to be more a presentation of a vague idea, sketch level, rather than a working game. Or is the graphics supposed to flicker like that?

TheChosen 13-09-2012 03:10 PM

Well....yes and no.

No, as in this game is probably not in a total finished state. Cheetahmen 2 was never released and all thats left are prototype cartridges, explaining why its so rare and valuable.

Yes, "technically", meaning that most of this game is based on the original Action 52 Cheetahmen game, which itself was called a finished product. The original game works, looks and plays like crap. So even if they had time to finish this properly, it wouldn't have been much of a improvement.

Superfunky 13-09-2012 09:26 PM

Having played Action 52 I still don't believe Cheetahmen is anywhere near Plumbers Don't Wear Ties' league in terms of the title of Worst Game Ever.

bukimi 14-09-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 445978)
people flock to it and buy that booster 100x times to get that ultra-rare card = profit.


Originally Posted by TheChosen (Post 445980)
all thats left are prototype cartridges, explaining why its so rare and valuable.

Still, it's incredible that people want to own cartridge of prototype of product that was such a low quality.
I know that rarity = value, but logically it should also matter WHAT is rare, not only the rarity itself. It reminds me that my father collects coins and a few editions had production mistakes on them (like a missing letter or one element upside down), which made a coin with this mistake worth much more than a proper one.

For sure, I would not hunt for having a product that is known to be crap or something that was a failure even on design stage. As for mentioned collector cards, what is the purpose of buying a rare card that, for example, is much weaker than common ones or has generally crappy design? :dislike:

Mighty Midget 14-09-2012 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Superfunky (Post 445990)
Having played Action 52 I still don't believe Cheetahmen is anywhere near Plumbers Don't Wear Ties' league in terms of the title of Worst Game Ever.

I had to look up that title. Why? WHY did you mention that title?! WHY did you make me look it up?! It is not a game. It makes absolutely no sense. Right now I have a zig zag mouth to go with my bewilderment.

RRS 14-09-2012 07:09 AM

This one sounds horrible as well:
...but it's Japan, so I'm not surprised ;)

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