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arete 23-03-2012 07:24 AM

Arete - Discworld 2
I'm almost done with my review, and I've got the screenshots. One of my screenshots is animated, but it's a whole 4.86 meg. Does someone have a means of helping me compress it? I made it with gimp, and the animation is smooth because I used a lot of frames. However, if I make the frames crappy jpegs the gif will look horrible :(

Japo 23-03-2012 06:00 PM

I don't think we ever had animated screenshots. As you've seen animated GIFs are hugely inefficient. I don't think animated JPEGs exist, (the equivalent is the Motion JPEG codecs), and they wouldn't be any better for this.

I'd encourage you to make something for Abandonia's YouTube channel, although I understand this particular thing you had in mind is probably very short... I don't know.

arete 23-03-2012 06:16 PM

Not a problem, Lulu came to my rescue with her amazing skillz. :) And I did see one game that had animated screenshots. This is just one, though, as a cute surprise. ^_^

marko river 23-03-2012 07:04 PM

Yes, there is one for Robocop. I was thinking same thing and even preparing some gifs for my future review. No more than one for a single game. I like the idea as long it is not too big and as long as there is a meaning... I mean, imagine review page with all gifs... that wouldn't be nice at all...

arete 23-03-2012 07:48 PM

Nope, it's very sub-tile... (as they pronounce it in the state of Georgia)

Japo 23-03-2012 08:20 PM

Now that I think about it, I think I did see that one or maybe another one if there are more, but I didn't remember right off the bat. That's quite lightweight. I personally don't like when they're used like movies, I mean some are good, but I'd prefer them to be uploaded to YouTube.

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