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DarthHelmet86 19-02-2012 08:46 AM

Weekly Poll: Your favourite buggy game?
What game do you love but was so bugged that now you wonder how the hell you ever managed to play it at all?

Thanks to Lulu_Jane for this weeks thread.

DarthHelmet86 19-02-2012 08:58 AM

I would have to say Fallout 2, playing it again without any of the patches I wonder how I beat it so many times at school. Doubly so since we had the European version and thus no took me years to work out what the hell was stealing my junk.

Now a days I can't play the game without making sure it is fully patched up. I would have voted for Darksun 2 but I only ever got a few minutes in before it just bugged the hell out so I never really wonder how I played it since I know damn well why I didn't. A pity since I love Shattered Lands.

Mighty Midget 19-02-2012 09:04 AM

A close race once again. I played Buggerfall and Elite 2 for a couple of years, and I was hellbent on getting through Ultima 9, which I finally did after uninstalling in a fit of rage a dozen times only to reinstall it some time later. So for that, I'll have to say U9 is by far the worst game: It was fubar but wouldn't let me go.

Tomekk 19-02-2012 11:20 AM :ouch:

DarthHelmet86 19-02-2012 11:21 AM

That isn't a buggy game, it is not a completed game at all. :D

Capo 19-02-2012 04:29 PM

I always wait for the patch so none of them. Anyway i voted Ultima 9 because despite all the criticism i really enjoined it :shifty:

Maxor127 19-02-2012 06:33 PM

I haven't played a lot of those, but QFG4 is probably my favorite. I had the CD version. I only remember running into a one or two bugs that I must've worked around. I remember U8 being buggy, but I never finished it, so I can't say it was my fave. But bugs were what killed my desire to play because I just happened to stick all of my rare items into the one storage place that was bugged and made your items disappear. After that, I lost interest in starting over. One day, I'll get around to playing all of the games on the list.

Scatty 19-02-2012 11:52 PM

Master of Magic, I'd say, every once in a while it happened to come to a dead-end in a savegame where the game just crashed, be it through a computer opponent casting Armageddon spell, or me casting Chaos Channels on a unit. That was with it's latest official version, still happens once in while though with an unofficial Insecticide patch.
Ultima 9 might even be called an "unfinished game" actually, as it not only produces numerous bugs with it's latest official patch (and even with the necessary unofficial fan-made patch), but also couple of things in the game show their rather immature state, like the weird, "cartoonish" style of monsters approaching for example.

One more recent game though, which I tried to get into once, is really hell-bent on annoying bugs - Vampires - The Masquerade: Bloodlines. It even has received it's own unofficial patch made by fans, after all the official patches that came out for it. But when it gets rid (read - makes disappear) of your only picklock early in the game, after you reload a game from an unsuccessful attempt to pick a lock, and when it does so again on another occasion after you restarted the game from scratch - you gotta agree, you can't progress in the game with this.

Eagle of Fire 20-02-2012 12:47 AM

I think the fact that those polls always mentioning games I never or barely ever played is beginning to turn into some kind of running gag.

DarthHelmet86 20-02-2012 04:35 AM

You want a poll focused on games you like then go to the thread about suggesting weekly polls and suggest one.

I have heard many bad things about Vampire: Bloodlines but haven't run into them while playing the game. Well I have but they haven't been any of the game killers. Bugs I have run into was stealth being completely broken and trying to attack in a duct lead me to clip through the roof and get stuck. That one was while streaming and led to many laughs. Oh and the bug/glitch of hitting people from stealth with the fireaxe making them fly through walls...but that one is just funny as hell.

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