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Frodo 27-12-2011 09:46 AM

Promoting Reloaded & AB
Nick has used his talents to make this promotional video, that shows off Reloaded, as well as Abandonia.

Thanks Nick. It's very kind of you to go to al that effort for both sites. :3:

Tracker 27-12-2011 01:18 PM

The merciless critic I am, I should let you know that if I were in charge around, I wouldn't approve it. Why? Weeell... Let us watch it together once again. First of all, too long texts flash and move too quickly, either I'm dislexic or something, or there's just really no time to read them. Well, watching it fullscreen helps a bit, but not that much really. The music and the design is fine, no problems with that, but the points made to convince people that AB or AR is missing from their life are very shallow.

1. -The ultimate review and download site for freeware games and software. With an active social and roleplaying community. - Not sure about this, I haven't been there for ages, but when I left, barely 5, and when I write five, I really mean four plus one people came to the forums on a daily basis, including Frodo, Nick, Qbix and me. That wasn't what I'd call an actival social community, though roleplaying was all right, we were writing all day and night. I guess since that these new improvements lured some peons - I mean, users - in.

2. Abandonia - One of the web's oldest and most popular abandonware communities. The site that started it all. Download, review, all for free. - Well, thank god reviewing is still free, I don't know how I'd feed myself if I had to pay for reviewing. If I'm not blind yet, you just told everyone they can work their arses off, for free. How nice.

3. Abandonia Forums - An active community of retro gaming fans. Ask questions, write reviews, and become part of the community. - Well, these are quite true. No problems here.

4. Reloaded Forums - A dedicated forum for fans and developers of freeware games and freeware software. IPB 3 the latest forum software. - I'd love to say "Show me only one person on the earth who decides whether register or not to a forum based on which software they are running on their servers", but I'm sure you'd find people like my math teacher who... well, you don't want know him, that's all. All I'm trying to say is, that's the last thing a user should know about the forum. Really.

5. Downloads - Download games and software from both sites FOR FREE - True.

6. Reviews - Read reviews on the site. Don't agree with the editor's rating? Submit your own rating - Since most of the western world lives in anything but communism, the freedom to tell whether you liked the game or not isn't that big thing. "Woohoo, I can like or dislike it, look mommy I liked something!" -> A reaction you'll never see from actual (sober) users.

7. Roleplaying - Reloaded is also home of entertaining roleplays, like the popular City of Secrets - Why would you advertise one specific thread in the forum? I mean since when has CoS became the main profile of AR?

8. The end - it's boring, the music just stops, and all those things you write with gigantic letters could have been told in like 3 secs instead of 13.

All in all, I wouldn't like people to know the site from this one minute ride in blasphemy. No offense to Nick or anything (yeaaah... suuure...), but this is just not right. Plus, I think it was too biased, like reloaded was Batman and AB his sidekick, Robin. Wasn't it the other way around...? Just my two cents, now let the flames arise. ^.^

Frodo 27-12-2011 02:18 PM

So Nick goes out of his way to make something to promote both sites... and all you can do is critisize and find fault?

I have to wonder... if you didn't know who made it, would you have been as critical?

Tracker 27-12-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Frodo (Post 437872)
I have to wonder... if you didn't know who made it, would you have been as critical?

We'll never know that. But you're welcome to disprove me. But if the "Inner Circle" approves the video and shares it via one of AB's official news sources, then I'll salute to Nick's genius.

Eagle of Fire 27-12-2011 08:50 PM

Congratulation to Nick on his efforts. This is great.

RRS 28-12-2011 02:56 AM

Yeah, the text zooms past too fast, I only managed to read the headlines.

2 questions to Nick:
- what software did you use?
- were you using some template/generator or did you do all the animation youself (ie: setting keyframes, motion curves etc.)?

TheChosen 28-12-2011 05:13 PM

Im with Tracker on this one. Its he can do stuff like this but this video is so....amateurish.

Another thing is that you cant really say that Abandonware is free. While its true, its like saying stealing is free. It just doesnt sound right.

Also, gameplay footage here and there would have been great.

DarthHelmet86 29-12-2011 01:26 AM

Guys you are some of the rudest people I have ever seen. Someone takes some of their free time to make a video for us, trying to help us get more views to our sites and all you can do is bash it. Genius.

The video might not be perfect but who the hell cares, if it helps get us some more views then it has done it's job a thousand fold. We are meant to be a place that welcomes people and their ideas and help. Let's actually start acting like that and treat people giving us stuff with some damn respect.

And Chosen the free part is pointing out that unlike a few other Abandonware sites we don't force you to pay to get to our goodies, or sign up to mailing lists or do just a couple of "quick" surveys. Abandonware is not theft, or stealing, it is piracy but in our case it is a form of piracy that people in the industry are ignoring or actually agreeing with.

bloodpigggy 29-12-2011 10:13 AM

Wanted to come on and say that the people that are crying at all the constructive criticism are hilarious gigantic babies that must have their entire souls crushed whenever their work or efforts are critiqued in any way. The video sucks, make it better and it will do its job better, why the fuck do you let someone make something and then not tell them it's mediocre. No one should suck your dick for making garbage.

This is so sad. No wonder Reloaded is a desert if such immature cry-babies are running the site.

DarthHelmet86 29-12-2011 10:32 AM

When someone volunteers to do something or gives you something being overly critical is considered rude. No one paid Nick, no one asked him to do it, no one told him what to do and no one let him do it. A simple "Thank you for this Nick but the words move a bit to fast for me" or some such would and is a whole lot bloody nicer. Being overly critical to people who are volunteering to help either site is counter productive to getting more people to do so.

But hey this is the internet where treating other people like people and how you would like to be treated is not allowed. Maybe it isn't people saying "How about being a bit nicer" who need to grow up.

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