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murar bonefang 10-10-2011 11:20 AM

The Lands of Narthine - Text based strategy game
The Lands of Narthine :

A thousand years ago, the world around was not as it seems now. The lands were ruled by the great Kings and Queens, and they led mighty legions of troops into battle in the lust for power.

Such was the scenario in the blasted lands of Narthine.

Narthine was a newly discovered island, discovered by the traders that plied their trade on the mighty seas. The island was already famous in the mainland, for its untold wealth.

The Kingdom of Klinggon had sent its might general Prince Sven to set up a settlement in the tiny island. But word travels fast. soon prince sven was followed into the island by several other factions, some of whose intentions were far from noble.

Players start off with a tiny village, with little population. Slowly, they should aim to take over the other villages & settlements that they come across. There are rumors of quite a good number of native villages in the island.

* The scenario is set in the medieval times, hence, the allowed troops allowed are as follows:
Spearmen (bonus vs. cavalry)
Swordsmen (standard heavy infantry)
Axemen ( bonus while attacking infantry)
Archers (bonus vs infantry)
Light Cavalry (especially for scouting, works well with fleeing enemies)
Heavy Cavalry (THE BOSS ! costs a lot !! )
Mounted Archers ( bonus versus heavy infantry)
** no Jedi's here please, nor ak47 totting Jehadis :P

Link to map:

Signup Sheet:
Religion: (christian / pagan / muslim)

(All the stats should add up to 100; nothing can be less than 10)
Piety : (Religious factions of the populace are kept happy. some from other religion might join your faction)
Heroism : (Inspires the troops in battle )
Command: (Command in either Infantry or Cavalry. Infantry Command gives more stamina and morale to your troops, same for Cavalry)
Docile: (Keeps the general population happy, increases productivity )
Ruthless: (Enemy troops are scared at your very appearance, if a settlement is raided, you can get 100% more florins. chances of civilians getting killed if attacked/raided/or in riots)

murar bonefang 10-10-2011 11:21 AM

Events and Announcements:

We now have the 7 guys needed, the game is now 'open', i might still accept newer guys, but that might be stopped if any one opposes.

Starting Locations

murar bonefang 10-10-2011 11:23 AM

Reserved for Players :

* I am looking at 6-7 players.
* all players will be randomly placed on the map.
* GM is not responsible for pacts and acts of betrayals. :mischief:

murar bonefang 10-10-2011 11:24 AM

Clarifications regarding this game: FAQ's

TotalAnarchy 10-10-2011 11:38 AM

Name: Cassian Syndael
Age: 38
Religion: Christian

Piety: 30
Heroism: 20
Command: 25
Docile: 15
Ruthless: 10

Halindir 10-10-2011 03:12 PM

Signup Sheet:
Name: Halindir Vaniarduric
Age: 52
Religion: Pagan

Piety: 30
Heroism: 10
Command: 25 (Infantry)
Docile: 25
Ruthless: 10

I have no idea how to play this, but im in!

Abandoned Witch 10-10-2011 03:21 PM

Name: Dredge McNeill
Age: 29
Religion: Pagan

Piety: 20
Heroism: 20
Command: 15
Docile: 20
Ruthless: 25

murar bonefang 11-10-2011 03:03 AM

Sample Turn
Sample Turn

thanks to TA.

Jironobou 11-10-2011 04:19 AM

Name:Jonah Rohvendohr
Age: 42
Religion: Pagan

Piety : 10
Heroism : 25
Command: 20
Docile: 20
Ruthless: 25

TheChosen 11-10-2011 08:51 AM

Name: Jesus Highlander
Age: 21
Religion: Christian

Piety : 10
Heroism : 30
Command: 20
Docile: 10
Ruthless: 30

No idea what this is gonna be, but lets give it a try. Sounds great for roleplaying.

Backstory: A pale one-eyed kilt-wearing man. Born as a bastard to an unknown father and was named after a rough drink under the table contest.

He's a drunken idiot who's loved by his men and feared by his enemies, thanks to his brutal methods.

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