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GTX2GvO 01-09-2011 07:17 AM

never ending loading
OK. I've just noticed that AB isn't finishing it's loading.
When On the main page it continuously tries to connect with, which apparently isn't responding.

And also the forum doesn't seem to finish loading either due to the same connection attempt.

What I can get out of this (from my point) is that a server from our grand owners (studentis/Abovo Media Group) isn't active (for now).

Functionality wise there should be no issue for AB itself though.
The only thing that's really annoying right now is that AB will not finish loading.

[EDIT]Turns out the Traineeprograms add on the right side of the screen is broken.
Those with AdBlockPlus can Right click on it and "block this frame".

Dave 01-09-2011 08:46 AM

Yes, it looks like a broken advertisement who can't load.
Don't worry, it will be probably replaced soon with a new shiny one :p

Eagle of Fire 01-09-2011 03:54 PM

Websites which fail to load completely is one of the prime reasons why I use AdBlock and NoScript. Surfing the web without those would be a lot of pain.

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