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mrpeople1984 09-07-2011 12:18 PM

I've never...
Pretty simple: State something you've never done, and the next poster has to have done it. So if I say I've never been to Paris, the next poster must've been to Paris. The only real rule is to not try and get people to passively confess to something that you yourself would never confess to. That means there should be no posts along the lines of "I've never been intimately romantic with a barnyard animal." Enough formality, time for the confessions!

I've never headbutted a tree while drunk.

Halindir 12-07-2011 08:43 PM was a wall :I

I've never eaten a snail

Icewolf 20-07-2011 07:04 AM

Well... it was a crab.

I've never (not yet) been to a 3D movie.

Wicky 23-07-2011 01:34 PM

I've seen Avatar in 3D and my head ached.

I've never been in a 5-star restaurant.

Pex 30-07-2011 04:37 AM

I have (but the company paid :p)

I never kissed a redhead girl.

Icewolf 22-08-2011 02:05 PM

Oh yeah... :perv:

I've never had a vegemite sandwitch.
There was no big man smiling at me who gave me one. :D

Pex 25-08-2011 10:15 AM

Neither have I, until I came to Australia... It's actually nice. No big men involved in the process, though. Well, other than me eating the sandwitch.

Anyway, I've never had a piercing.

_r.u.s.s. 28-08-2011 11:25 PM

i did

I've never been intimately romantic with a barnyard animal.

arete 29-08-2011 04:36 AM

You little troll :fangs: Prove it!

Pex 01-09-2011 09:33 AM

Yeah, why would anyone bother denying something like that in the first place, unless there is some truth hiding there...

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