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TheChosen 24-06-2011 12:24 PM

Team Fortress 2 is now free!
After 4 years, Team Fortress 2, one of the popular team based online FPS's, is now free. All you need is a steam account.

Well, technically its one of those allegably free games, but the differences between free users and premium users (those who purchased the game before) are very minimal (for example, free users cant wear hats (oh the humanity)). You can become a premium user just by purchasing any of the objects available from the item shop (lowest which is Scouts drinks, which are only 0,39€...). Note that any object from the shop can be received through the game just by randomly founding them.

In any case, If you havent played TF2 yet, PLAY. IT. NOW. Its awesome and one of the best games I've ever played!

Also, Meet the Medic!

Lulu_Jane 24-06-2011 01:26 PM

That video has convinced me to finally play as a medic :D

Expack2 24-06-2011 02:13 PM

When I first watched the video, I was like "DUDE!!! Valve finally added a [censored] video for the Medic - AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." But the announcement at the end of the video made me watch the video again...and again, and again, and again...


Thankfully, it finally settled into my pathetic brain that the whole F2P announcement was real. :lol: Hopefully, Team Fortress 2 doesn't turn into your stereotypical F2P game where you have to pay in order to get the best experience. (Thank goodness for such F2P games as Spiral Knights and Alliance of Valiant Arms, which are both, IMO, awesome games available on Steam.)

Jironobou 26-06-2011 08:19 PM

Well, there's a page about the Free vs. Premium content on TF2, Link to FAQ

the F2P update is stupid, you only have 1 backpage page, you can't get all items, you can't craft specific weapons, you can't trade items to people, or give gifts.

TheChosen 26-06-2011 09:13 PM

Why is it so stupid? Its very easy and ridiculously cheap to get rid of it. And really, its not that bad. You can still get any of the items without crafting or trading (or receiving). And honestly, its much more free than any of the other F2P games out there. Compare to Battlefield Heroes for example.

Now that its been free for couple of days, I've noticed a huge influx of new players. Unfortunately, this means millions of noobs. Im getting a bit frustrated when most of your team mates barely know how to play. Also, lot of Koreans.

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