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Cold 27-03-2011 09:04 AM

Strategical games of the new era
May you suggest me a modern strategical game that has the same game concept of myths like Dune2 C&C or Warcraft?

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2011 09:50 AM

"Same game concept of myths"?

Cold 27-03-2011 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 425238)
"Same game concept of myths"?

I apologize for my bad English

I would like to mean "recent strategy games that have the same kind of concept of the game (collect resources, produce army, attacks) of games that made ​​history as Dune 2 and Command and Conquer and Warcraft, just to name a few."

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2011 11:57 AM

You just described pretty much the entire RTS genre. A little more specific, perhaps?

Sarin 27-03-2011 12:20 PM

RTS are kinda going to hell lately...can't remember any "classical" RTS past 2005.

But, a selection of titles worth playing...Command and Conquer series, Warcraft 3, Homeworld series, Stronghold series, Rise of Nations, Age of Empires 1+2 (I tried AoE3 but felt weird...never got into it), Starcraft (the first one) if you can run 199ish windows games on your computer, and I'm sure there's more I can't remember right now.

You should specify the question a bit more...

Cold 27-03-2011 12:38 PM

I dunno how to specify it better :)

I would like to play a game like "Dune 2", but I don't want to replay dune2. I hope there's something else like this.

I read on the internet positive review about "Starcraft", but I would rather prefer something like "dune 2 plot".

The last "command and conquer" was a failure because of some limitation of the gameplay, also "age of empire 3" was a failure to me. So I'm asking if you may suggest me some kind of title that is "like dune 2 but nowadays"

molotow 27-03-2011 01:26 PM

Just play StarCraft like a real man :rolleyes: (I kid..) Anywayz, if anyone still playing that game or is willing to start again, please PM me, I have no one to train with :p

Sarin 27-03-2011 02:42 PM

Starcraft (still talking about first) was an excellent game, pity I lost my CD a long time ago. And it is very close to D2...there is of course Dune 2000, but it is mostly graphical overhaul of D2. Nothing new.

CnC, well, I like Generals most from whole series...especially messing around with special units, like Col. Burton, Jarmen....and my all-time favorite unit from all RTS, Angry Mob (AK47s for everyone!).

Eagle of Fire 27-03-2011 07:35 PM

Starcraft (the first one without expansion) is really a no brainer here. It plays just like Dune 2 and the graphics are pretty much similar too.

I never liked Age of Empire because of those stupid reconversion priests. That really broke game play in that game and I have never seen an improvement in the sequels so I stopped even trying the newest games altogether.

Warcraft III is a more modern game but unfortunately quite failed in its concept. It is a RTS which heavily pick from some specific RPG elements. More specifically, heroes levelling. This mean that you can go nowhere without heroes (at least in the med to late game after they level) and that the whole game is centered on them and not on outpost or unit building like a normal RTS. That quite killed my interest for it, I have never completed more than a handfull of the second chapter missions because the story was so bland too. Take Warcraft I, make it play the hell of a lot faster, add heroes and voila! You got Warcraft III.

Two games I can very strongly recommend is Starcraft (original) and C&C (the original also). Another more modern game I could recommend for the RTS genre is Original War, especially if you like oldschool retro themes as you travel in time in this game and the Russian campaign take you further back in theme than reality. :p

Actually, out of the three games I just recommended here Original War is probably the one which plays the most like Dune II.

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2011 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cold (Post 425247)
I would like to play a game like "Dune 2", but I don't want to replay dune2. I hope there's something else like this.

I read on the internet positive review about "Starcraft", but I would rather prefer something like "dune 2 plot".

Starcraft has a dozen times more plot than Dune 2. Seriously.

So I'm asking if you may suggest me some kind of title that is "like dune 2 but nowadays"
There's no such thing. For any decent approximate, you'd have to go back at least half a decade.
For something relatively recent, you could always try Dawn of War (the first, along with expansions).

If you fancy older games in the same vein, try Warcraft II, Starcraft (optionally with Brood War expansion), Dune 2000 and Jurassic War. Also Total Annihilation, but I'm guessing you've already played that one. Emperor: Battle For Dune is slightly more recent than Dune 2000 and might suit your preference. The Earth (2140, 2150, 2160) series might also fit the bill.
I don't see you mentioning Red Alert anywhere, so definitely try that (with expansions) and Tiberian Sun. Both were released for free by EA a while back.

You could take a look at these links:

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