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scorpionr95 05-02-2011 04:39 AM

Echo Bazaar!
I don't know how many of you guys have heard of this game, but I couldn't find a thread on it so...
I found this game a couple of weeks ago through The Escapist's "Extra Credits" videos. It's a great browser-based game! I highly recommend it to whoever has a Facebook.

_r.u.s.s. 05-02-2011 01:54 PM

are you kidding me? is it one of the boring ass stupid browser games that spam my facebook newsfeeds?

hell no

scorpionr95 05-02-2011 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 422462)
are you kidding me? is it one of the boring ass stupid browser games that spam my facebook newsfeeds?

hell no

No its a standalone browser-based game it just logs you in through twitter or facebook to save time on its servers. Oh, and if browser-based games aren't your thing I understand, however this game focuses a lot on it's stories and the little details.

verek_22 06-02-2011 04:40 PM

Hey _r.u.s.s. keep it civil. This thread is for discussing Echo Bazaar, not complaining and arguing. Complaining and arguing is what the chatbox is for. :OK:

_r.u.s.s. 06-02-2011 06:58 PM

i was discussing echo bazaar

hey verek, if you are bored i suggest to watch a movie

verek_22 06-02-2011 10:47 PM

A discussion is a examination or consideration of something, while your earlier post looked rather like you were complaining pointlessly about a game you'd never played, which is useless to this thread. I'm just saying, if you have nothing useful to say, don't say anything at all.

_r.u.s.s. 06-02-2011 11:25 PM

i was considering browser games annoying. i really don't see why can't you have different opinions on this topic, moderators like you often mistake forum for a kindergarden. now let's move on and not spam this topic with this useless discussion anymore

btw, scorpionr95: this is mildly reminds me of text adventure game with fewer options, is there a way to interact with other players? i just got out of jail and went straight into a pub (veilgarden). now i'm afraid i won't be able to get into 3 other places. is this something like an episode?

scorpionr95 17-02-2011 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 422537)
btw, scorpionr95: this is mildly reminds me of text adventure game with fewer options, is there a way to interact with other players? i just got out of jail and went straight into a pub (veilgarden). now i'm afraid i won't be able to get into 3 other places. is this something like an episode?

Kind of. The beginning is a completely controlled tutorial, after wards you can travel from city to city doing certain missions as you gain certain levels.

PS: To interact you've got to have a friend you can "invite over to your home" per say.

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