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person on extremes 28-12-2010 08:24 AM

I know how bad it is. But I must ask. euughhh :o if you could rate this game less than 0 what would you rate,
brace for it,
E.T.-The Extra Terrestrial. :o :o :o :o :o

You can rate it anything, you don't even have to rate it a number. But I need to know just how bad that game really is.:no::(

DarthHelmet86 28-12-2010 09:02 AM

ET on the Atari 2600...I would rate it about a 2 out of 5, but taking into account how short a time it was forced to be made in I would say 3 out of 5. It's not that bad of a game and sorta has something to do with ET, but it was overpriced and not what it promised to be. It wasn't and isn't the worst game on the 2600 but it was the final straw that broke the camels back.

person on extremes 28-12-2010 09:13 AM

That's crazy talk, man. all you do is fall in pits for no exact reasons just to pick up a telephone and find random flowers. And random people just randomly come out of nowhere and like take you, and takes you to this wierd greek thing as a jail. It freaked out everybody who played it!

The character looked like this wierd thing that strectch its neck out to fly. And once you collect those pixles of complete trash you go into a spaceship to play it all over again. Anybody could make that in 5 minutes. They took 6 weeks!

Did I forget to mention that all the people who was unlucky enought to buy it sent the game straight back to the company and the games that wasn't bought got buried in the DESSERT in Mexico! It nearly brought the gaming industry into an end! That was the worst game in the universe!

DarthHelmet86 28-12-2010 09:16 AM

Did you even read my post, of course I am talking about the game. I have even played the damn the thing. It isn't as bad as people say, it's a slightly below average Atari game. And it's below average due to the huge rush it was forced to be created in by one guy. There are far worse games out there, even for that time period.

person on extremes 28-12-2010 09:32 AM

Yeah, I kept editing my post. But I've actually WATCHED the game(yeah, i know, it's not playing) and there's nothing good there. Lets just make sure your knowing what game this is. Here's a review :here

if you keep pressing start it will go crazy, that's probally going to the most fun(or funny) part you'll ever have.

DarthHelmet86 28-12-2010 09:43 AM

Dude you know nothing about what happened. They didn't dump the games in the desert thats just stupid, they went to a tip like everything else. And on a side note that is the left over stock they threw away, since they overporduced the cartridge thinking they would sell a lot more then they ever could. ET did not destroy the game market, the game makers did, they over charged and made a lot of crud games. People got fed up with buying expensive games then finding out they sucked. ET was the final straw.

Six weeks was barely enough time to get the game programmed, and you say thats a long time. Its one of the shortest times to make a game ever. Before you just sprout what everyone else does maybe you should do some research into the topic or maybe listen to someone who actually knows what he is on about.

I am not saying the game is good, but it ain't all that bad for what it is, a rushed movie license game. It got overhyped and overpriced along with nearly every other game from that time.

person on extremes 28-12-2010 10:01 AM

Ok, but how did you know this?

I knew this from heaps of reasearch, heaps of reviews and one TV show that reviews games.

And I didn't say 6 weeks was a long time. Compared to games that are made today, that's a short time. But 6 weeks compared to 5 minutes; thats a LONGG time, and btw i found on that one TV show about this thing where they had to make a game,from scratch, on one full day(24 hours). And some(all) of the games I saw on that were better than ET

DarthHelmet86 28-12-2010 10:07 AM

:doh: So you think one itself..killed the whole gaming industry..really. I have played the game, I collect retro games, I am a member of more then one retro site. Everything you have said is the generic rubbish people say about the game.

And just so you know back then a game took around half a year to make, sometimes even longer.

And just so I know those games they made, what where they making them on. If it wasn't an Atari 2600 they don't count.

person on extremes 28-12-2010 10:15 AM

I just learn't that. I just say skydiving which all you do is land a spider by jumping out of a plane, opening a parachute, and land on a block. Thats it. Thats the WHOLE game.

So yeah, you're right.

DarthHelmet86 28-12-2010 10:18 AM


Anyway you asked what other people thought of the game...I told you what I thought of the game and gave you reasons why. Either you accept my opinion of the game or you don't...if you don't then thats fine just don't ask the question.

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