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Expack2 20-11-2010 02:28 PM

Question About Game Requests
I've noticed that there are quite a few games in the "Request Games" sub-forum which have yet to be given "Approved", "Rejected", or "Invalid" status. Is this because it's that 'busy, busy, busy' time of year for most of the Abandonia admins who would normally do this, or is it because there really isn't enough evidence (i.e. no confirmed direct representatives of the company selling the game, no online stores selling the games in compilations and/or individually, etc.) to assign a status to these games?

Lulu_Jane 20-11-2010 06:19 PM

Mostly it's a time issue, sadly there's only so many lovely staff members to go around. We're always looking for new recruits though ;)

Professor Oak 20-11-2010 09:49 PM

As soon as Duke Nukem Forever is released, this issue will be rectified.

The Fifth Horseman 21-11-2010 09:08 AM

In some cases, there simply isn't enough information about the game itself. Can't do much without knowing who produced it and what was the release date.

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