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Fubb 23-06-2010 12:22 AM

Am I failing at life?
I have 5 exams this following week,

on wednesday i have comprehensive english.

Mark in english: 48 (because i din't try, and now ima fail cause i don't know stuff) thats okay though, i already have grade 11 lit so i have a grade 11 english.

On Thursday I have Bio and History

Mark in Bio: 68. Even if i fail im left with a 51, but the problem is that you don't get a credit for the coarse unless you get 40% on the exam, and i have NO FUCKING CLUE what anything is!

Mark in Grade 12 History: 65 Im good at history, and like history, but i didn't do a scrap of homework, if i did my mark would be high 90's (im the smartest in the class :\ ) Im not really worried about this exam at all

On Friday:

Math: MarK 52: Doesn't matter if i do good on the exam or not, because i didn't get enough "accelerated math objectives" you need 52 to pass and i only have 26. So. Yep.

Geo: mark: 73: Not really worried about this one either.

Comp doesn't matter if i fail but i'd like to pass cause then thats one more credit (woo!)

Math i wanna pass cause then i don't need to take it over agian first semester, but i kno thats not happening

Bio is the one im most worried about, cause you need a grade 11 science to graduate, and i don't wanna take bio again first semester next year, but i have NO CLUE what ANY of this is :crybaby: and i don't know how to study either, cause i havn't studied (havn't needed to study) for a single test since prolly grade 8. If i fail the exam i still have a 51 in the class, BUT i don't get a credit (aka pass the class) unless I get above 40% on the exam :(

I use to get 70's and 80's, this year i think what happened was i got computer addicted, and because of that im now royally fucked, what if i don't get enough credits to graduate?


trip_electric 23-06-2010 12:57 AM

We're in the same sinking boat on this one. I like to call the boat the S.S Procrastinator; the vessel that sails you away to the furthest, most entertaining reaches of the internet when you're meant to be studying.

Hell, I'm meant to be studying right now!

Anyway, you're not failing at life, I think that's a very harsh way of putting it, you just need to reorganize your priorities, but I don't know one person in the world that doesn't need to do that! Just do your best to work hard and not get distracted by the shiny, pretty things the internet has to offer. One thing you might try is setting up a little rewards system; one hour of revision gets you fifteen minutes/one level of your favorite game for example. Whatever works for you really! The same thing goes for the studying itself; if you have any idea what's going to be on the exam, just try and get your head around the guaranteed content instead of just diving into the deep end. Everyone's different; there's no surefire formula.

Keep at it! I'd be rooting for you, but my pom-pom's are at the cleaners and I need to do my own work as well! :D

_r.u.s.s. 23-06-2010 01:07 AM

that's not such a bad idea but fifteen minutse/one level of your favorite game adds the fuel to the S.S Procrastinator and too much fuel means 10 levels instead of 1

Fubb 23-06-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by trip_electric (Post 407967)
Hell, I'm meant to be studying right now!

Me too!

Anyways, because i havn't studied i don't even know HOW too anymore. Im just goona look over my old tests and see what i did wrong for Bio :p

Eagle of Fire 23-06-2010 04:44 AM

I hardly ever studied in my life.

I started studying when I stopped paying attention to what the teachers were telling me... So I guess that the best tip I could give you is to pay attention to what your teacher tell you, and you'll already have at least 50 to 60% of the whole thing assimilated.

But I guess it might be a tad late to give you this kind of advice... :p

Professor Oak 23-06-2010 10:07 AM

I guess it was a good thing that I had 6 exams I didn't revise for.

TotalAnarchy 23-06-2010 10:15 AM

You slackers/

Icewolf 23-06-2010 10:21 AM

I don't quite get the rating method of your classes/exams/whatever.

But anyway I think it's hard to resist the sweet temptation of the internet and gaming.
You should develop a certain awareness when it's gaming time and when it's real life time.
When you have your own home (no mom) this mirrors in the tidyness in cleanness of it. It's the raised finger for you. :sneaky:

So gather some XP and get the trait "Awareness". ;)

Professor Oak 23-06-2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Icewolf (Post 408002)
So gather some XP and get the trait "Awareness". ;)

How much more do I need to level up and potentially evolve?

Icewolf 23-06-2010 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Professor Oak (Post 408005)
How much more do I need to level up and potentially evolve?

Depends on your character class and age! :D

Now this was supposed to be a serious topic to pat Fubb a little. ;)

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