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Anonymous 22-05-2004 12:45 PM

Yet another X-com problem
Sorry to bother everybody with yet another X-com problem.

I can't get X-com to run on my machine. I ran ufo.exe (definitely the more usable of the two) but it displays as duplicated thin strips across the very top of my monitor. The sound is perfect and I can click buttons (though I only know which ones to click because I played the game so much when it came out), but the graphics are waaay off. I tried changing the screen resolution to a size that has a more square aspect ratio but that didn't help.

I'm using the Dell Inspiron XPS:

Pentium 4 3.4 Ghz
ATI Radeon 9700
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1200

Work just bought the computer a couple of weeks ago so I assume that it has the latest drivers and service packs.

Thanks for any help.

FreeFreddy 22-05-2004 03:49 PM

From how you describe it, I assume that the game doesn't support new graphic cards (or perhaps only Win XP :-)). If that is the truth, all I can suggest, try low resolution, 800x600 or even 640x480 and (you have Win XP doesn't you?) enable 256 colors for the programm, perhaps disable visual designs and enable compatibility for Win 95 too.

LotharGR 22-05-2004 10:04 PM

am i the only one that has played UFO without any problems? :P :P

Tom Henrik 22-05-2004 10:19 PM


It runs perfect on my computer. :?

LotharGR 22-05-2004 10:26 PM

As Titan said to me some time ago, the fact that UFO runs perfect on modern machines just like it did on 386's and 486's makes it not only a masterpiece of gaming but a masterpiece of programming too :)

Tom Henrik 22-05-2004 10:34 PM

But I must add, that it is only on this site that I have found a workable download for the game...

All the other sites I have tried had either non-workable download links or the game showed flaws like the ones experienced above :?

Anonymous 23-05-2004 06:24 AM

I tried everything that FreeFreddy suggested, but still the same result. It's such a tease to hear the sounds, but not be able to play the game.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Petter1979 23-05-2004 07:46 AM

hmm weird it wont work on a radeon 9700, the game works fine on my radeon 9800pro. Win XP Proff SP1 DK.

ati catalyst 4.4 drivers.

You sure you have installed drivers for your monitor?

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 07:56 AM

Well, I downloaded this game from this site (to be honest, I never played this series of games), but before I go on, I'll explain how my system is configured:
First of all, my PC is configured so it can play old games that runs sometimes even only on old PCs and it also can play new games, both with best possible results on both sides. So I divided my harddrive in 2 partitions, then installed first Windows 98 on the SECOND, then the Windows XP Home Edition supplied with the PC on the PRIMARY partition. In addition, the soundcard on the PC is the Soundblaster Live 5.1 Digital, so it has drivers for Soundblaster-emulation for Windows 98 (and almost all old games support Sounblaster by default).
Because of the two operating systems, my harddrive has now FAT32 file-system, no NTSC which of course is faster, but many old games cannot run on NTSC.
Now, I downloaded the game, installed it first on WinXP-part and started it under WinXP also - it started, but hang then (no sound, no intro, nothing but a mouse-cursor that wasn't able to move).
Then I ran it under Win98. Guess what? It ran almost perfectly, only small mouse-cursor chopping/lag, with all the sounds and music and normal displaying.
So if you'll get no another hints how to make your game display anything normal, ask me, and if dont't know how to divide your hard-drive and install anything like me above, ask and I'll send you an e-mail with detailed description how to make this all.
By the way - with my system configured like this, almost all of old games I have run perfectly on it, apart from some of these that require EMS-memory disabled, which I don't know how to do this with Win98.

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 10:17 AM

Perhaps it's just more simply to try this game with Dosbox from this site, this could just solve the problem without too much to do. I didn't use this program because I don't need it (see above), but try it out.

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