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Omuletzu 21-05-2004 01:49 PM

List of favorite oldies NOT abandonware!!
Here's a list of games that ARE NOT abandonware.Why am I posting this? Because some of the games on the list are present on this site
I don't know how accurate the list is, but check it out.

Tom Henrik 21-05-2004 03:09 PM

:( :( :( :( :(

That was an extremely demoralizing read...

So, what happens now?

Omuletzu 22-05-2004 12:32 PM

I'm just posting this so that Kosta doesn't get in any trouble that's all.I'm hoping he has some sort of agreement with the companies that still sell the games on abandonia.Who knows :wink:

FreeFreddy 22-05-2004 03:37 PM

This list is surely a non-official, personal opinion, because i've seen most of the games on this list not been sold anymore and downloadable on most sites with abandonware. That sites seem to not have any troubles though... :roll:

LotharGR 22-05-2004 10:21 PM

I suppose that for some games their companies just stop to "care" anymore. And it seems a bit logical. Copyrights etc stop to be important at some time ( after 8-10 years at least for sure ) especially if the game isn't too famous or isn't too well known. And to be more precise, the company that made it ( if it still exists ) cannot make any more money from it. In that case i believe that games are trully "forgotten" by their companies. But when this happens their copyright status remains a bit "foggy".
This is becoming very annoying... my opinion is that some companies try to stop abandonware not because of copyrights etc... but because they fear that it is lowering the sells of their newer games.

Kosta 23-05-2004 03:19 PM

Yeah, I knew about that list, and I am aware that some games on this site ARE still being sold, but think about this:
Let's say you have a kid, and he wants to play a civilization game. So he heads off to google, writes civilization (or finds it in his favorite PC magazine), then he ends up on the Atari site and buys Civilization 3. The chance that he bumps into Civilization 1, and decides to BUY it after he sees how it looks like is equal to ZERO. So, the only possible buyer for such a game would be a hardcore fan, who would buy it only because of some sentimental reasons. There could be no other motive since today's civ games are both better looking and more advanced. So, if a person decides to buy the game for such reasons, the fact that it can be downloaded freely is NOT going to change his/her mind. That is why I think it is pointless for companies to pursue the rights to such games at full extent, and that is why they don't do it. I could put up ALL of the games from that list to the site, and no company would ask me to remove them, I'm certain of this. So if a game or two from that list appears here, it doesn't matter. No one will mind

Ioncannon 23-05-2004 04:39 PM

Doom-GT Interactive ??? Wasn't it id and apogee?

Omuletzu 24-05-2004 11:30 AM

Yay, that was a burden on my chest
[EDIT]Have you checked your abandonia inbox Kosta?

Dream 27-05-2004 01:43 PM

Abandonware= Games you can't buy IMHO.

gregor 28-05-2004 07:39 AM


Abandonware= Games you can't buy IMHO.
abandonware = software that was abandoned. no one cares about it anymore because no one will buy it anyway.

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