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Reaperman 05-01-2005 09:22 AM

I like some text based games, namely "Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy"

Omuletzu 05-01-2005 10:23 AM

I only like graphic games.

Reup 05-01-2005 10:52 AM

Text Based gaming is like MUDding, but without the social obligation ;) And I like it!

:ot: Allthough there are a lot of people who don't consider MUDding social at all... nor gaming for that matter... e.g. my girlfriend :whistle:

Reaperman 05-01-2005 11:22 AM

Some text based games are really bad, but some rule, i am totally addicted to a game called The Hitchikers guide to the galaxy! :D

Borodin 05-01-2005 01:04 PM

I used to work in a for-pay text-based MMORPG that's still running: DragonRealms. For what it's worth, I still think you can achieve a great deal with text, but many games simply require visuals. I'd not want to play one of my favorite RPGs, King of Dragon Pass, as a text-based game. It would be incredibly unwieldy.

Eagle of Fire 05-01-2005 01:07 PM

I played muds for a while, and it was very interesting. You just can't do a mud with graphics, else you got something like EverQuest and it just waste 80% of the potential...

samus2k 05-01-2005 01:13 PM

i have a few text based games i u want me to upload to abandonia just tell me ok ? :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 05-01-2005 01:22 PM

Only rarely. Though IF Quake was VERY fun indeed...

Borodin 05-01-2005 01:35 PM

There are a lot of them up on HOTU, including a ton of text-based titles that are quite recent.

xoopx 05-01-2005 01:49 PM

text based games were cool back in their day! we had one at school on the bbc b computer (bbc branded acorn electron - was very popular in the 80's in uk) and my favourite was this semi-edutainment one where you had to explore this magic mansion or castle or something, and it had really cool tasks like complete a tune on the keys and stuff like that. the most important thing, like with all written words, is that its well written!! so you can picture yourself in the places with your imagination. if they just have "you are in a clearing" its like. oh, right.
text games were huge on the zx spectrum (another popular uk 8bit - sold as timex in usa but didnt catch on) with various tolkien based ones being especially popular.
ive heard that there were cool ones on the apple II, but i never had one

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