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angry axe 04-09-2009 05:30 AM

The Elder Scrolls Oblivion Mulitplayer
oblivion has multiplayer! (not yet sure if it works, me and saccade still need to test it, but if the comments are to be trusted, it does) anyway, here is the download link here how to install: here P.S there is also an updated version but is VERY buggy at the momment and wouldnt recomend using it

Saccade 04-09-2009 08:47 AM

Words cannot express how badly I want this to work...

aarne 04-09-2009 06:05 PM

*Couch* Oblivion is suckfest compared to morrowind, is there morrowind multiplayer mod?

Vain Vair 04-09-2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by aarne (Post 381890)
*Couch* Oblivion is suckfest compared to morrowind, is there morrowind multiplayer mod?

Well there was one I think but it's long abandoned by now. I loved Oblivion just as much as Morrowind, however I do think of them as two completely different games and don't compare them. And Oblivion seems to fit better into playing online, so i hear, then Morrowind.

If only this worked on my Xbox one... Well if only any mods worked on my Xbox. X_X Ah well, guess that's what I get for being cheap and not upgrading my computer.

Saccade 04-09-2009 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by aarne (Post 381890)
*Couch* Oblivion is suckfest compared to morrowind, is there morrowind multiplayer mod?

That's is pan-amount to high treason, Aarne! ;)

Fubb 04-09-2009 10:19 PM

if only i hadn't accidentally deleted my oblivion iso...

Yes morrowind did have a multiplayer project, but it was buggy, didn't work half the time, and was abandoned. Its time to move on aarne :p

Saccade 05-09-2009 04:22 AM

So... So far, we've figured that:

Copy all the files & folders from the 0.4.5 multi-player mod.
Change the .wth file so that it points to Hamachi IP.
Make firewall exceptions / disable firewall.
Run Console Server.
Launch through Obse.

The console server says that players are connected, though the port seems to change with each time you speak with the Wanderer in the city bookshop.

Maybe this had something to do with why we couldn't synch?

More reading up on this mod is needed, methinks.

Saccade 08-09-2009 01:38 PM

You said you got this working, Angry?

Cool - how'd you do it?
When can we play?! :woot2:

Tulac 08-09-2009 10:01 PM

This sounds awesome count me in after exams end!

kikaz 09-09-2009 02:25 AM

There's about a 90% chance this will be just as buggy as the Morrowind version... The basic engine is too similar for there to be a major difference. Morrowind (with mods) is much better than Oblivion by the way :tongue:

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