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Saccade 15-06-2009 04:16 PM

Anyone suggest some good 3DO games?
I got a new 3DO (well, old) for only £30! with loads of games and controllers!
Just never played half the 3DO titles that are for sale out there still...

Multiplayer would be good.
I need suggestions from anyone who can remember the console or its games.


Saccade 18-06-2009 05:30 PM

Come on guys! Someone must've played 3DO before?!


It'd make me and Pandaaa well chuffed if we had more two player games - especially the retro ones.
It's funny that I was playing games that were brand new before she was even a twinkle in her arsehole of a father's eye.

_r.u.s.s. 18-06-2009 06:33 PM

well i have never had a 3do (it was not even known in my woods) but here's the list of games that were released for 3do

TheChosen 18-06-2009 10:21 PM

You got 3DO? Thats cool.

Not long ago I listened this podcast from HG101 guys, were they talked about 3DO and some of its good titles. Episode 5. You can get it here:

Some of the good ones I remember them talking about were Horde, Return Fire, Alone in the Dark, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Road Rash and Star Control 2. I'd also personally recommend lightgun games like Mad Dog McCree (campy western) and Corpse Killer (campy zombies).

But whatever you play, avoid Plumbers Dont Wear Ties. Its trash-material.

EDIT: And no matter what everyone has said to you, you should try Night Trap

Mar-vell 21-06-2009 04:36 PM

Super Wing Commander, a WC1 remake by Origin for 3DO, which was ported on PowerMac afterwards. I tried to play it with FreeDO, looks great but runs too slow. But as you have a real 3DO player.......

BlueBMW 21-06-2009 05:53 PM

Star Control 2 was my favorite on 3DO. Also, road rash on 3DO was a lot of fun.

ComboTroop 21-06-2009 07:56 PM

I didn't have the 3DO console, but i had many of their games on other systems, Like Army Men and Might and Magic etc. and they were good games!

bobinator1992 30-06-2009 02:02 AM

Another 3DO fan, eh? You and me are going to get along juuuuuuust fine.

Try these: - Way of the Warrior. It's an MK ripoff, and not a terribly good one. But, it's great to mock with friends.

Twisted - The Game Show: This is a party game for 1-4 players, but it only uses 1 controller. Kind of like Mario Party, you use a virtual die to go up a tower, doing minigames (puzzles, like memory matching and other things) to get to the end first.

Bladeforce - I have no idea how to play this game. If you can figure out how, you're a better man than me. At least the intro is cool.

red_avatar 30-06-2009 04:06 AM

It's funny: the 3DO, Jaguar and Saturn were all consoles that failed to break though in a span of only a few years time. In the case of the Jaguar that was probably deservedly so (terrible design) but the 3DO and Saturn were both fine consoles. I remember all the reviews and interviews on Micro Kids on France 3 (TV station) - lots of French developers went for one of the three consoles. We all know the Playstation overclassed them all in the end (although I was never a Playstation fan myself - too mainstream for my liking).

Tulac 30-06-2009 06:21 AM

3DO - 700$ at launch, Playstation (with superior graphics, a year or so later) - 300$ at launch.

Also I suppose you never used SNES, or NES either because they were "too" mainstream you poor poor thing.

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