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Saccade 05-06-2009 02:48 AM

Ideas for AB game
NB self: ultim.conpt 4 AB b4 conc. review, walk, etc.sol

Apart from the small flash games, I was thinking of using the TADS engine or one similar to Legend (Eric the Unready, Spellcasting series) to make an Abandonia based text-based adventure.

I was going to use high-def ascii art, but there could be any form.
Some of the art in the art thread will make some excellent flash-games! But that's not what I want to do right now - that requires more planning and I don't plan on doing much planning. I don't like plans that stay as just plans and consume all the other planning that could be happening where it buds.
Even still, the art could be used to depict certain situations, but these sorts of projects don't seem to make it out of discussion...


Does anyone have any ideas for puzzles and stuff?

Story is - all games go missing, you must rescue them from someone who is hoarding them all and not letting anyone download them.
Bog standard.

You can do it AD&D way, Deduction method (whodunnit) or, my favourite, cyberpunk (or steampunk) and have to use lots of text-adventure computers to break codes and solve problems and stuff.
I already have a tesseract maze for the forum - I can't draw it in Excel like other maps, but have to use a 3d line graph.

If you have any ideas for problems and puzzles that could represent other parts of the site, please voice your suggestions.

It would be good if the game also helped people know more about Abandonia and all the other stuff that's here apart from just a few old games and make them feel more involved in the site.

There'd be no need for bots then, but a good chat-bot would be a nice addition to the game.
Having to out-wit a chat-bot. Like the swordfight in Monkey Island.

I'm not asking for help making it - just a few thoughts, that's all. No real work for anyone who doesn't want to do any.
I don't want to put effort into something if it's not going to happen, so please don't digress from what can actually be done.

El Quia 05-06-2009 01:29 PM

The chatbox could be a place where there are random phrases thrown around, with some useful information hidden somewhere. You could even take funny quotes from the archive, even the naked act you performed :tongue:. Now that was funny.

In my opinion, the enemy should be ESA related :P

Also, there could be puzzles related to known and old bugs of the site, including the infamous "missing country" bug.

And there should be a puzzle that teaches people that they should try old games with DOSBox :)

Well, this is a little brainstorm. Maybe later I could develop them in a more useful way...

Saccade 06-06-2009 09:16 PM

Naked act..? hmmmm :whistles:

Nice one El Quia - I like the idea of the insidious ESA nemesis!
The CB would be a good place to pick up a few ideas for dialogue and story. Thanks!
I did want to have a cybersection in it where you could to play old games (like Maniac Mansion in Day of the Tentacle) and had to solve a few in order to progress.

I need a hacking system that could be used too, but that is something to think of later in details.
I don't know about the site bug aspect - that makes it more accessible to site users specifically. If you didn't know about it, it wouldn't mean much.
But it could be used in a different context. That'd be good.
Bug solving.

Trying to get people to know about cool old games and how they developed, that sort of thing would be good too.
Even if it was just suggesting a few games in descriptions of places and stuff.

Having to throw the sword down the pit so the Prince of Persia could find it and finish his quest.

Maybe the player is directly involved in several events in computer games - they have to discard the vacuum shell for the robot's chip to be inserted into in Beneath a Steel Sky or invent the recipe for the Spit Grog in Monkey Island 2...

That'd be quite a fun game to write.

What do you think the character you play should be like?
Their demeanour and type of reaction?

The characters from my work are usually cyber/steampunk time detective / Sherlock Homes and his mate types...
The whole series is on the characters, but I've several others that are from short stories. Some Cephalopoda and a few other races that need a long description. Most human or similar.

I always need ideas for character - its my weakest point.

Oh - and comics that have never been published (Nb - remember Kugerfang)... they may be helpful too, somehow.

Are you up for collaborating on writing this game, El Quia?
No time-scale, perhaps having to learn TADS - but writing Interactive Fiction.

(Then - we can port it to Iphone and take advantage of the growing Ibook trend :D
But that would need a more complex interface.)

Batmanifestdestiny 06-06-2009 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Saccade (Post 368476)
Story is - all games go missing, you must rescue them from someone who is hoarding them all and not letting anyone download them.


Tomekk 07-06-2009 12:20 AM

I had an idea to make a mod for Fallout 2 about Abandonia.

We'd be a small town filled with computers, robots and other gizmos. The town would be filled with members, from newbies to Admins. Quests would include stuff like : Recover the lost games, ransack Lucasarts' headquaters, etc :hihihi:

_r.u.s.s. 07-06-2009 12:24 AM

there were already a loooot of attempts at abandonia games =)

anyways, i'd definitely played this one if saccade managed to do it

Batmanifestdestiny 07-06-2009 02:53 AM

what if it was a first person shooter?

_r.u.s.s. 07-06-2009 10:57 AM

there actually is abandonia first person shooter already, made by punch

Saccade 07-06-2009 01:32 PM

I don't think there's any doubt that I will be able to make a TADS game, russ - I can't make any other games (except basic flash).

So long as I can get a story, it will be done.
Just don't know how long it will take... :)
I have a Lot of reviews and walkthrus to do first, but this would be an excellent side project.

I've already started on the first chapter.

What I think I'll do is post a link to one of my personal blogs - I don't think people would be happy if I gave out links to access Ebooks for free!
And I've several stories and novels that I am working on that are totally secret (preciouses hobittses stealings pete's's workssss!).

That way, people can comment on the progress and suggest storyline arcs and puzzles and stuff.

The plot and stuff is easy for me to write.
The characters are okay, but not my strongest point.

The puzzles, however, that I come up with have been fiendishly difficult so far - It'd be really helpful to get some ideas with these and how they'd fit in with the plot.
Usually I devise the answer and then say "how do they do it?" rather than the other way around...

oh yeah - ESA = the guys who stop us from being able to put up any game we want because of copy-protection laws, etc...
Have a look at Wikipaedia.

Saccade 07-06-2009 01:34 PM

also - why has this been moved..?

I don't think that ideas for puzzles is programming...
But - I have no idea where it should be posted.

ne'er mind.

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