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Robdemon 11-03-2009 08:07 PM

Can't remember a game...
At some point in time, I don't remember when, I played a game on some else's laptop, I don't even remember if I liked it, but for years now I've tried to recall what that game was, and its be nagging at my mind ever since. I don't think it was abandonware from my memory of the graphics, but then again I don't remember the game very well (have I mentioned that yet?)

I'm not greatly concerned with whether I like it or not, I just want to know what it is.

The game as I remember it was played in 3rd person, you saw from behind the character. Whilst playing, the character continuously moved forwards, this was out of your control. Flying enemies would come up and attack, I seem to recall rock monsters but i may be mistaken. After so many enemies you would fight boss and then continue to the next stage. I can't quite remember how you attacked, it may have been shooting.

Lathi 12-03-2009 05:12 AM

This sounds alot like Space Harrier. Perhaps it was a port/ROM of this game or one of its sequels? Or one of any number of rail-shooter copycats.

Robdemon 12-03-2009 04:50 PM

Very close I must say, but as I remember it (could be wrong) the firing was mouse controled, so there was no need to move the player. Thanks anyway.

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